I stopped watching porn 6 months ago by choice but also because I feel like it was clouding my judgement. In porn sex looks so pleasurable, women are moaning with every touch/sensation and that’s just not my experience.

I’m in a same sex relationship, F-F. I’ve read so many books, bought so many toys, etc. I can bring my partner to the mind blowing orgasm, squirting, shaking, etc. but for me sex is a very mid-tier experience to me.

  1. could just be you ! I suggest weed. sex while high is amazing. I don’t know how you feel about weed but definitely something to think about

  2. It’s a very similar situation for me as well, I make my partner orgasm pretty frequently but it’s common for me not to get there even after a long session. It’s just something that’s always been better in my head than in reality. I wish I had an answer though, I know it must make my partner feel like it’s her to a point. No matter how much I assure her it isn’t.

  3. I have this exact fear, as in I haven’t had sex yet. I am very certain my dissapointment will be immeasurable.

  4. Is she the only person youve been with? I felt like this until i met my current bf, so theres hope!

    But the biggest difference ive noticed is that hes a giver, & when he touches me its a very slow buildup which makes me super horny and sensitive

    You could suggest she try that? Maybe it will help !

  5. I feel the same way! 🥲 I always wonder if they’re exaggerating in porn (I’m sure they are to an extent) or if there is something wrong with me. Is my body supposed to be that sensitive? Sigh… who knows

  6. Yup haha I moan a lot just to make myself feel happy in the moment but in reality I feel better solo

  7. You have to become the fantasy, the sex you imagine and wish for. Sex is what you make it. You also have to show your partner all of your desires, express them. It’s possible you aren’t compatible and your person has to want to please you just as much as you do them. In my experience, when you elaborate and lead by example, it becomes better than any daydream. A simple example, I’ve had a few boyfriends throughout my life that weren’t good kissers in the beginning. I didn’t give up. I just showed them how I want to be kissed. I’d tell them not to move and just let me kiss them. They’d imitate and match my movements. I’d essentially teach them how to kiss me and we’d expand from there. They became amazing kissers every time. The same applies to sex. It’s a learning experience that can turn into the most erotic moments of your life.

  8. Instead of trying hard to create what the other person is feeling, it can be great to just be with and feel them while they pleasure themselves or vice-versa.

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