There is this guy I’ve been dating since June a few things have come up, (I’m 24(f) and he’s 27) anyways!
•He works from 7-5 Monday through Friday so we don’t talk much which is fine but he has habits of disappearing for hours and we don’t text which I don’t really care but when the roles are reversed if I don’t answer for hours he gets upset and anxious and calls me . He’s even taken to calling himself a hypocrite and that he knows it but I don’t see why when I’m bush he doesn’t seem to care and expects these quick replies . In which he always gets unless I’m working out, In class or sleep. He takes hours while I could usually take a few minutes.

•Saturday he texted me and asked how my day was. I told him that it wasn’t the best and he asked why wasn’t it good and I simply told him I didn’t want to talk about it (I had an issue where a family member was in the hospital and talking about it just was going to bring up so many emotions I just wanted to talk about anything else) anyways he starts texting me differently which I notice right away but he waits until Monday to call me and tell me he was upset that I didn’t want to share what made my day so shitty and he didn’t say it but it seemed like he felt like I was hiding something. I told him my cousin was in the hospital and I just didn’t want to talk about it and I expressed that I feel like I have the right to say I don’t want to talk about something and it be respected and he shouldn’t get upset that I don’t want to share it with him. I don’t want to share every little problem or issue I have with him .

He didn’t seem to get it AT ALL. He didn’t seem to care about my feelings and felt like I should want to share everything with him because he shares everything with me (which he doesn’t cause I’ve asked him stuff and he shut me down and I respected it ) when I told him my gosh in was in the hospital he proceeded to say he’s sorry but –
Like but ? There’s no but and am I wrong ? Am I supposed to be sharing everything ? Because if that’s what a relationship is I’m good. I don’t want to talk about everything and I don’t really feel like everything In my life needs to be shared especially if I don’t want to talk about it

It kind of just seemed like nothing mattered but his feelings in the matter. The fact that I was sad and my cousin was in the hospital wasn’t a factor which is fine he doesn’t have to care but I don’t want to talk about it

•for Valentine’s Day he got me an Apple Watch and I was playing on it while he was watching basketball and I was singing to a song in which he thought I was on the phone and he got upset because he thought I was saying “I’ll call you back “ repeatedly when I was saying “don’t play with it.” Repeatedly and he gets angry cause he doesn’t believe I’m not on the phone and I get mad and yell and he reversed it to say he was going to let it go but me getting mad seemed suspicious.

•he’s always so quick to tell me about how he feels and how it seems like I need to change things but when I try to come to him with issues they don’t matter. He is always calling or texting about how he feels but when I feel something it just doesn’t matter. He’s always telling me how he doesn’t want to lose me but honestly he’s starting to.

•last night, we were playing a game together and it got around 11pm . I ended up falling asleep on the phone with him and for some dumb reason , I woke up and texted him that I was sorry for falling asleep . He proceeded to say that it isn’t that hard to tell someone when you’re falling asleep and I said I passed out that’s all. He thumbed down the message . He doesn’t tell me when he’s going to bed. He sometimes doesn’t even answer my texts from 8 pm to the next day so I’m confused

He gets angry fast too like he’s overly sensitive and I’m far from a sensitive girl. He’s always raking things I say literally when we were always the joking type in the beginning of us talking.

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