I’ve been dating this girl (19 & 18) for around 4-5 weeks now and it’s both our first ever relationship. I absolutely have no idea how to initiate any form of intimate contact with her. The only form of somewhat intimate contact I’ve ever done with her is hugs and sometimes I tilt down to kiss her head when she leans in for a hug, that’s about it. I obviously Id like more than that but I’m completely clueless… I think it’s going to be super awkward if I attempt to kiss her mouth-mouth for the first time out of no where especially since I’m heavily bearded. help me approach this matter

  1. After you kiss her head pull back slightly and look into her eyes, pause, look at her mouth, look back at her eyes, then lean in and kiss her.

  2. Holding hands was common when I was young. That made it pretty clear that prolonged contact was ok.

    I was pretty nervous for my first kiss with my first couple girlfriends. So I just asked. It went well.

  3. Clean up your beard and comb it in preparation. When she leans on you, look her in the eyes amd say “can I kiss you”

  4. Start with other innocent physical contact such as a tickle fight. Buy a really comfortable new pillow and ask her to try it out. This can lead to a comfy face-to-face. (This worked for me and I didn’t even plan it). You can work up to it with words too at the right moment when face to face. Challenge her to a staring contest. Share some spaghetti and maybe you end up sharing the same noodle, until… oops!

  5. My first kiss was at a gas pump. He was pumping my gas with his card because I didn’t have any money on me. I told him to literally only put $5 in, just enough for me to get home.. Well, he kept putting gas in past $5. He told me he would stop if I kissed him. I started to geek out cause I had never kissed anyone before — but I also truly wanted him to stop putting gas in my car. I was so stressed 😅

    I ended up not being able to convince myself to kiss him… so when the pump clicked/stopped after filling up, he reached up to my face and pulled me in for a kiss anyway. It was super cute.

    Maybe do something like that, if she seems like she wants to?

  6. You’ve got to wait for Listerfiend to leave first, then you’re good to go.

  7. Hate to say this but it almost sounds like you are in her friendzone if little has happened other than a few hugs in 5 weeks. Do you have a female friend in common you can talk with about this? Maybe she can let you in as to what is going on here. Women often talk with each other. You might want to talk with your father if he is available.

    Either she is very shy, which is a possibility, or she is not that interested in a romantic relationship with you. I would be tempted to tell her that you really like her but she doesn’t seem very interested in you. Give her the impression you are getting to walk away unless she gives you a clear sign of her interest. You DO NOT want to be stuck in her friendzone. Be a Good Man and NOT a Nice Guy.

  8. As a few other people have suggested, the kiss on the head is a nice lead-in.

    While you’re hugging, after kissing her on the head, raise her chin so you can look in her eyes, then slowly go in for the kiss. It should only be a second or two. Like a peck, but with relaxed lips.

    Good luck, kid!

  9. You’ve already established physical contact and you guys have been going out for WEEKS. At this point she’s prob waiting for you to kiss her – next time you think about it, look at her – and go for it.

  10. Trim that beard. Be sure to brush, floss, and rinse. Obvious times to kiss a woman are at the very beginning of a date, or at the very end. During the date, she should be giving you signals that she wants you to kiss her. If you’re having trouble reading those signals, you could just ask her. *”I’d really like to kiss you right now. May I?”*

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