Edit: I’ve been told my last post isn’t showing anymore so I’m reposting. Let me though if you can see the last one.

I wanted to share some good news?

I (24F) had the most natural feeling sex/cuddles/conversations last night with a man (26M) I met off of Hinge.

We’ve been talking for a little bit now and we had sex last night. Normally, in my past experiences, when things progressed to sex, my body would freeze and I wouldn’t really be enjoying myself. The men I would be with would strictly want sex and then leave. I thought this was normal and basically something I would have to cope with for the rest of my life.

This time was different. It felt so natural. I felt so comfortable and enjoyed myself. And afterwards, he held me and gave me little kisses all over my face and told me how much he liked me. We had great conversations too. It made me so happy, I couldn’t stop smiling. I have always wanted something like this but never thought that it would happen to me. I never knew intimacy could feel so nice and almost loving. !!!

  1. Congratulations, I hope it lasts with this guy.

    And I hope I’ll have a chance to treat a woman the same someday…

  2. I’ve had multiple partners in my life but only my ex that I truly cared for did it feel enjoyable. An emotional connection can be such a game changer to so many people it shouldn’t be underestimated.

  3. Looks like you finally found a real man. Hang on to that one, we’re extremely rare from what I’ve gathered. 😉

  4. I experienced this as well and it felt like a fairytale, like something that happened only in movies.

    I’m so happy you are feeling it, it’s a wonderful feeling ❤️

  5. This is so freaking cute! I’m so happy for you because that’s how it’s supposed to be….not like the experiences you’ve had in the past.

  6. ALMOST LOVING!!!???!!!

    Come on now, don’t sell love short. Get out of your head and onto the playing field of your life as it is unfolding now.

    When it feels that nice and when he is being stand-up and great to you….. go with it. Love can be really special when the right connection is there with a good person.

    Keep us updated!!

  7. I’m so happy for you, this is what every girl deserves. This is literally word for word like my story up until I met my current partner (of 5 years). Sounds like it could be the start of something special, and even if it’s not, at least it’s completely changed your relationship to sex, intimacy and dating!

  8. I hate to break it to you sister, but I would still be a little cautious.

    I’m a 22M and have been in your situation, where I want an intimate relationship with a partner and we know each other and can be comfortable and it’s not just hitting and quitting its building attraction and tension etc…

    Maybe its a bit different because I’m the guy in this situation, but I have been in your shoes where a woman really enjoyed the build-up tension and passion and romance but she then left me a few days after we did the deed.

    I don’t want to make you paranoid, but I would recommend you remain your own person! Don’t let this guy become the center of your world. Enjoy the sex and enjoy the romance, but also don’t forget to pursue your pass times passions and other things. Don’t start canceling plans with your friends because this guy is new and exciting. Stay cool sister! and I’m sure things will be perfect 🙂

    Best of luck

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