Good deed/favor

  1. An old lady from the family that owned the home prior to me asked if she could enter my house and walk around for memories as she had grown up in there as a child.

    I said yes. She fell while walking in the house and filed a lawsuit against me.

  2. Helped your mom scratch an itch. Now she won’t leave me alone and you’re using up ALL the data to **shit**post on Reddit.

  3. I bought diamond earrings for a girlfriend and she lost one of them 2 days later. I actually wasn’t mad it was an honest mistake, but it was a bit painful on the old wallet. She was mortified.

  4. She was bored at work while her trainee was getting some hands on experience and wanted to get experience running some equipment… so I “unofficially” trained her just being nice thinking nothing of it…. She ended up being really good at it, most people really sucked at it and would quit in a day or 2, the supervisor seen this, a week later they fired this one dude in the shittiest station and they stuck me there and her in my spot… I was beyond pissed off lmao

  5. co-signed on a car for my ex. we split up about 5 months later, she immediately defaulted on the payments. Credit score went to shit for several years.

  6. My wife REALLY needs her coffee in the mornings! I’m usually up before her, so one day I hear her stirring about in the bedroom, I make her a double latte in an oversized bright-ass red mug and set it on the toilet lid as her first stop is always the bathroom. She couldn’t miss the large, bright red mug that she uses every single day, could she? COULD SHE?!?!


    Edit: to clarify, she didn’t walk past it and miss it. She completely missed it from her field of vision when she put the toilet seat up. I was utterly dumbfounded.

  7. One of my friends (a woman) had just been in a bad situation at a pub where she was scared and she said the worst part was no one helped her.

    A few days later I was walking around my university’s campus. I see a woman curled into a ball outside the library crying. I’m in two minds about what to do. Should I approach a random stranger. I hear her saying “please, help. I just want to go home”. I immediately thought of my friend and went over to check on her.

    Fast forward a few weeks and I’ve got a full blown stalker.

  8. Did multiple favors for her. It was my cousin. Followed her on the highway when we went on a road trip with her kids and one of her kids friend, let her drive my car to cheer her up when she was sad so she could take her mind off it (our aunt died. She was close to her so it was hard for her. She said she always wanted to learn how to drive standard. My car is standard and I let her drive it so she could get some practice), I called and messaged her daily to see how she was doing and we’d be on the phone for hours when we would talk on the phone, I offered to take her kids for drives with me sometimes so she could get some time to herself since she has them full time, etc. I did so much for her and what did she do to me in return? Fully knowing I was going through a break up and that I was sad and having a hard weekend, because I called her later than she would’ve liked, she caused a massive argument with me. I even offered to call her earlier and tried to reason with her but she still kept going off on me like a maniac. We stopped talking for a month due to that. Then, after she found out I had told my aunt and uncle what happened between her and I (her parents), she, once again, went into psycho mode and messaged me back and caused another massive argument with me. I went off on her that time though and told her off and cursed her out like I should’ve done the first time she did that. She messaged me back something heartless so I finally blocked her ass on my Facebook. Later that night, she went on her daughter’s Facebook and messaged me accusing me of causing a bunch of crap in the family and blocked me on her daughter’s account. Haven’t heard from her since. She’s a drama queen who loves to argue. She causes arguments over the stupidest things. She’s a child trapped in a woman’s body (she’s 44). Even her kids are more mature than her. I will never do anything for her ever again. She’s a heartless jerk.

  9. I tried to be kind and make my ex gf be comfortable.

    She broke up with me for being too nice and went back with the guy who raped her before she dated me,

  10. My GF was interested in photography so I lent her a camera body and a few lenses. I showed her how everything worked and she was so happy. A week later she told me that her car was broken into and all the gear was stolen. Apparently she just stacked everything behind the driver’s seat in plain sight and parked near USC, a bad part of LA.

    Well I was not upset. She was taken back that I was not angry or upset. I told her that if she really liked photography I was going to give all the gear to her as a gift. She cried.

    Shortly afterward she broke up with me. I don’t know why. Maybe someday someone will tell me, since she later in life took her own life.

  11. I let my sister borrow $500 and we agreed that she would pay me back on a certain date. That date arrived and she basically gave me a big fat fuck you and pretended there wasn’t an agreement AND blamed me for giving her the money. “I didn’t tell you to give me the money, you offered it.” Well yeah no shit bitch, you were in a bind.

    Killing part is, if she would’ve just said “Look, I’m sorry, I can’t pay you back right now.” I would’ve just told her not to worry about it. I eventually forgave her, but she broke my heart that day. Any other woman I wouldn’t give a shit, but this one cut deep.

  12. I spent 30 fucking years trying to put effort into shit I don’t care about to try and please them, then found out that they just want me to be happy, too


  13. Not a favor per se. But asked to meet up with her before I moved back home across the country to chat. Wanted to say sorry if I had hurt her at one point for no longer talking and hanging out with her as I once did (things got awkward amongst friends).

    Things misfired badly. She was annoyed and upset by the end of the conversation. And she was bitter years later when I ran into her.

    Looking back, I recognized signs that she was interested in me. I think she thought I was going to ask her out or confess. Neither of those were my intent.

    She probably hated me for a while but it is what it is haha. I’ll be more socially aware next time

  14. Took in my cheating wife (now ex) after she was kicked out by the guy and became homeless the same day, unbeknownst to me, she filed a divorce decree and lied on me with a statement from a friend who I know wanted some of her. A few days into it she is wanting to be back together and all that stuff. Fast forward two years and we are about to celebrate our 3 year olds birthday. A mutual friend shows up, yeah… that friend… and somehow doesn’t see me at all. He tried to kiss her and she freaked out looking around saying “I’m there somewhere, be careful.” I was plugging in our new big screen, back when they were big ass boxes.

    Learned from him a few weeks later that they had been a thing since the last guy. 2 goddamn years taking care of this woman simply because I wanted her in our kids life and she pulled a fast one. Even hid the papers that came in the mail for the divorce. When I confronted her about it the cops made me leave because of the statement she presented, said I abused our kid, and was violent towards her.

    Court ordered mental hospital vacation for 3 months, losing my place because she moved out with said friend (he’s in prison for rape now) and scrapped my car at the parts yard. I was left homeless and without my kid. No car. No clothes. Family states away and 12 dollars to my name.

    Went to beg for my job back and try to explain everything. Boss hands me a box of my things and says “sorry. Good luck.” It had my iPod in it. Saved my ass since it had a few numbers in it and my best friend/brother drove 16 hours nonstop (minus gas) to pick me up. I drove back. Took me in and I got back on my feet. We’re still roommates.

    Fuck that bitch!!!!

  15. Gf at the time was going through some issues and I lent her a little over a grand. Once she was back on her feet she essentially claimed I never gave her any money and just gaslit the shit out of me. I never saw a dime back.

    Luckily she’s now divorced with 2 kids by a total scumbag 🤗

  16. Gave her my word that I would take care of anything Financial if she quit her job before obtaining a new career In a first responder field. Backfired when she got the the job and it changed her hours from waking up super early to working graveyard shifts thus changing our whole living dynamic. Should’ve just held my tongue back and let her stay where I found her.

  17. Gave a female coworker a lift to her nearest bus stop when it was raining hard. Next day her crazy boyfriend confronted me about trying to move in on his girl. She never bothered to correct him and defend me. That was the last time I did any favours for female coworkers.

  18. I supported my ex for 8 years while she “tried” finding a good job. Then she sued for alimony.

  19. Pre-COVID, I finished my vape break at work, saw a woman with her arms full approaching the building’s main door so I held it open for her. She glared as she passed by and said “I don’t NEED you to hold my door for me, I can manage on my own”.

    Honestly, that was the last straw. I’d been bitched at for holding doors for women one too many times.

    Postscript- Later **the same gd day**, I was leaving for the day and same situation with a different woman. Her arms were full and she was approaching the door. So, I just let the door swing shut.

    She bitched at me for NOT holding the door open for her.

    In a damned if you do/damned if you don’t situation, I’ll be damned because I didn’t, thx.

  20. The first instance involed a girl I was friends with. I offered to scrape and repaint her popcorn ceilings. I also offered to use muriatic acid to remove white paint off the bricks around her fireplace. Both were utter failures. Breathing in the acid nearly cooked my lungs. The ceilings had to be smoothed with mud and I was clueless how on how to do that. I had a crush on her, and that was the only reason I tried. One other was lending my sister my truck. She wrecked it and blew the engine. The worst part about it was she lost the key. I towed it to a mechanic. Paid a locksmith $300 for a new key (electronic/fancy key). The mechanic cranked it up and the motor seized almost immediately.

  21. During elementary school, we were grading each other’s tests. When we were done, I told her what she did wrong and she thanked me. Next thing I know I get the teacher on my ass about being more careful. Turns out she changed the answer to what I told her and told the teacher I made a mistake. Fun times.

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