I recently found out they kissed ( i know it was before we met, I would’ve been okay with that) but the fact that i’ve asked him too many times if they had a past, he have lied about it, all the time that i’ve asked. it’s also the fact that there were this times where i saw my bf texting her, he would hide the phone and when i ask him who he is texting, he would lie and tell it was a groupchat. It’s also the fact that he goes to her to talk about our relationship problems.

tl;dr , Is it okay for me to not feel comfortable about this? is it just right that i feel like i should leave because what it has made me feel was disrespected? and i cannot tolerate that with my relationship

  1. Sweets, please leave. The guy does not respect you )): !!! So you should respect yourself. He is not worth it hes not worth staying for I hope you geT out of that relationship soon. 💌

  2. Yeah that’s not cool behavior. Would recommend having a heart to heart or calling things off if he’s unwilling

  3. Yes. You should leave. If he will lie about this. He will lie about more. Never trust people who lie about this stuff

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