What was you worst haircut experience?

  1. 17 years old, i specifically told the barber to NOT remove my sideburns, i don’t like that look at all, and what does he fucking do?

  2. Went to a barber-training school for a hair cut, coz they offered them for kinda cheap since the person cutting your hair was still in training. The girl cut my ear lobe with her scissors. Lots of blood, but the wound healed up fine

  3. I was 8 years old and the barber nicked my ear with the clippers, making it bleed. It hurt pretty bad and I started crying. My father jumped out of his chair and smacked me across the face and demanded I stop crying.

    Never forgot that.

  4. My worst ended up being the best for me.

    I was 21yo still rocking an Emo haircut, went to a barber who I couldn’t really understand, he kept asking me questions and I’d just say okay, by the end of it most of my hair was trimmed.

    …I was so upset at first but it was my first step away from having an outdated hairstyle better suited for teens.

  5. 2 weeks ago. I have a curtains haircut and asked just for thr top not to be so heavy, layer it basically and she cut half an inch all around including my bangs. It look like I have a bowl cut

  6. Mom took me to some $5 haircut place. Asked for a buzzcut.

    Shit gave me scalp folliculitus and still suffering today.

  7. When the stylist tried to change my whole hairstyle without asking me. I was a kid at the time so I was just polite about it after I had seen what he did.

  8. Went to sport clips for a haircut. A simple fade, nothing to serious and out of the world. Bitch did like half my hair and didn’t even finish the other half. Ultimately the reason why I stopped going to sportclips and cheaping out on haircuts. If I’m getting my hair done, it’s something that understands my hair.

  9. Back in the day when frosted tips were a thing, I went to a place to have them give me those sick frosted tips. She put so much bleach on my head that it actually burned my scalp, and I just had the top of my head bleached, not the tips. I looked stupid and it hurt like hell.

  10. I let a guy give me a high and tight back when I was in training, ended up way too “tight”, ended up shaving everything thing down to skin. I look sickly when bald.

  11. It was at one of those chain haircut places, higher end then a great clips but still a chain. The person took clippers over a cowlick. So when it grew out, it grew straight out of the back of my head. It was the last time I got a “cheap” haircut.

  12. When I was young, soccer players started to have really cool haircuts. I went to the barber and they asked what I wanted and I told them I wanted the “cool soccer player haircut”

    Since I was young and didn’t show him any photo, he gave me a buzzcut.

  13. Spent a fortune going to a high end hairdressers over ten years. For some reason they started pawning me off on trainee girls. Still paid the same tho. Came home one day with a new wave style 45 degree angle fringe. Had to finish the haircut myself. Never went back.

  14. Went to a cheap place. Dude had his beer belly out. Was drunk. Dude totally messed up my hair. Couldn’t stand straight. Cut my ear with the clipper.

  15. Not the worst but the last two times I got my hair cut it was by guys, normally was a lady, it took them 3x more time than the lady, I’m not a person that gives too much attention to my look so that bothered me.

  16. The one time my inexperienced mother cut my hair as a punishment for failing the test… it looked like some termites were eating my hair ..one side was big and one side was small with staircase on the back ..all in the morning and sent me on my way to school.

  17. My mom had me nearly clean shaven once when I was a kid. I hated it.

    I grew it out later and kept it long out of pure spite. I’m over it now, but I’m still rocking my long-ish hair.

  18. I asked my step-mom to cut my hair like she cuts my dad’s hair, and she did. The next day at school, a few of my friends pointed out just how bad it was and that I should call someone to pick me up. My grandma picked me up when i called because she had seen the haircut the previous day and knew just how bad it was. She saved me a lot of embarrassment. I had my hood on the whole time I waited for her lol.

  19. I did it to myself. Clipper head fell off and made a huge bald chunk so I just ended up cutting the whole thing off

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