We have been casually hanging out for a month or so now. We’ve been out on a few hikes, nothing serious.
After our last hike he was dropping me off at my car and he told me “look, on Tuesday I want you to dress up nicely and I’ll pick you up at 7 and take you out of a fancy date”. I was kind of put off by that and told him I would think about it.

I’m hesitant for two reasons:
when we grabbed food once he told me he’d pay for my food but I had to pay next time because he was not rich. I always pay for my own food so I told him we’d split the bill. He immediately back-tracked and said it was no big deal.

And two: I just don’t like how he didn’t even ask me if I had time on Tuesday!

Should I give this a shot?

Edit: I told him no I’m not interested in going out and now he’s blowing up my phone with voice messages of him crying. Idek what to do

  1. > when we grabbed food once he told me he’d pay for my food but I had to pay next time because he was not rich. I always pay for my own food so I told him we’d split the bill. He immediately back-tracked and said it was no big deal.

    Maybe since both of you just started to hang out he wasnt sure what type of girl you are if its about things like these and after he saw that you are sincere he back tracked. Nothing big to worry about tbh.

    > I just don’t like how he didn’t even ask me if I had time on Tuesday!

    Lol, i see what you mean but i think he wanted to be confident and if you couldnt you would tell him.

    Go out, have fun and feel the vibe. You were/are interested. Give it a chance and if you dont feel it then you just had a nice evening or a good story to tell about.

  2. If you’re not interested, just say “no thanks.”

    Someone taking that approach with me would be a huge turnoff.

  3. By the way you described it I’m not sure he demanded anything. He just said what he wanted. Also I want to know from a girls perspective, what’s the difference between “casually hanging out” and going on dates? What’s the purpose of casually hanging out?

  4. He thinks being overly confident and to the point is the way to approach dating. It’s common advice I see if or men a lot. But reality is different things work for different people and the ability to discern your audience is optimum. Nothing to stop you from saying no or if you do say yes just tell him what you think of his approach. Tell him it comes off more as demanding than asking and that’s a put off. He clearly was given bad advice imo.

  5. He is a manchild who is now throwing a temper tantrum.

    You did the right thing. Stand tall, and do not let him bully you into ANYTHING.

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