Always go to Reddit for anonymous advice so here it is: We are both seniors in highschool and we’re in a club. We went on a trip to a different state with the club that has around 25 people. It is 7th graders to 12th graders. Everything was normal on the way there, it was about a 3 hour drive. Everyone was talking in the back two rows, all was well. The day after we got the the hotel it was late and I was in a room with her and 3 other people. Nothing I’m up of the ordinary, just a couple friends hanging out. The next day we left and it was already dark. This was a rather big van with 16 seats total, the back row has four seats, she sat on the far right side. The next row had two seats on the left and one on the right with an aisle in between, I sat in the seat on the right in the second to last row. The next was the same and the rest doesn’t matter. We just left a restaurant we stopped at on the way home and she asks if I want a doughnut bite (like a munchkin but a little bigger) and I say sure, she grabs one and holds it in front of me. It was close enough to my face where I could just stick my head out and grab it so I’m in a goofy mood why not? I do it, she laughs I smile. We are all talking for a while and I’m getting tired so I sit back and go to lean my head back against the seat and her arms were wrapped around the head rest so she could lean forward and talk. When I felt her arms I leaned forward a bit and looked back and she was just looking at me. Said nothing for like 3-5 seconds and I put my head back because whatever, I’m tired. After about a minute, everyone is still talking she starts scratching my head. Now I don’t know what was happening but it was really relaxing. Boy to my left says “ay yo what’s goin on?” Referring to her scratching my head. She says oh I’m scratching his head, I do it to my brother all the time, etc. and offers it to him for a minute and he agrees. She scratches his head for a minute and stops. She sits down in the back seat and looks at her phone for a second. When she put her phone down she goes to wrap her arms back around the chair to continue talking so I move my head forward and she wraps her arms around the head rest and I put my head back. Some people decided to take a nap so we aren’t talking as much. It’s quiet for about 30 seconds and I turn around to look at her and she again, just stares at me for about 5-10 seconds. I said something along the lines of the head scratching felt nice, it was relaxing, etc. so she starts doing it again. Goes for about 10 more minutes until we get back to the school. We unpack our stuff and everyone goes home. The next day I message her and we talk for around 2 1/2 hours, all is well. This is my dilemma, it is now 1am Thursday and she just didn’t respond again after Monday night. It was through discord and since I’m on a computer all the time I have discord on a second monitor and I look at it all the time. She just hasn’t been online, she doesn’t play video games on a computer or even has one to my knowledge so I don’t think she’s setting herself to offline. The last message I sent was one text, asking how she was because she got hurt on the trip, didn’t realize how bad it was, went to the doctor, and is now in crutches. That was on Tuesday and from then I have just left it alone. I’ve never really “been around the block” per say so I have no idea what any of this means but I do know the more I think about it the more it’s driving me crazy. Is she just being friendly? Am I seeing this from a completely different perspective than her? Am I crazy? I don’t want to look back on this in 2 years and be like damn it was obvious so here I am. All advice welcome.

TL;DR: I have no idea if a girl is flirting with me or not and it driving me crazy, don’t want to regret not doing anything but don’t want to assume over nothing.

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