So, I asked this girl out several years ago via school email. We were in a remote class together and it was the only option I had if I wanted to reach out. Never heard back, moved on.

Flash forward, she has to train me for 1 day coincidentally for a new job I got. She gave me her cell number if I had any questions.

She probably read my email years before but it bugs me that I’m not 100% sure. After all, she may not checked it after class was over. I don’t want to bug her, but I don’t want to wonder if there she ever saw it. Is it crummy to ask her out via phone if she gave it to me for work?

P.S. I would ask her out in person if I could, but, again, it’s not an option.


edit: she is no longer there. we don’t work together

  1. You work with her now. Do not cross that line, you need to be a professional now. What’s in the past is in the past. Focus on not being a weirdo now that you are in a professional setting. As far as her phone don’t message her at all. She will have it in writing and you will by out the door faster than you can blink.

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