I don’t know how to talk to people in a non-boring way. I have finally figured out how to make small-talk such as “where are you from?” “what do you study?” “Oh that’s cool, that sounds fun/nice/frustrating” but I don’t know how to get past this point. I observe friend groups and people are talking about random stuff and their experiences, but they know how to make it interesting, make jokes that are actually funny, tease each other, know the perfect thing to say at the right point in a conversation. I can’t talk with “fun and interesting” people, the conversation becomes overwhelming and I can’t keep up with them. It’s probably why I can’t form real friends. I end up knowing everyone’s names and everyone knows my name, but I am in nobody’s friend group and I don’t fit in anywhere. Talking 1-on-1 with an introverted chill person is fine but I try to meet up with someone and they disappear after 2-3 hangouts. They get bored with me. I’ve had this problem all my life and I don’t know how to fix it because I don’t know where to start or how to acquire this type of conversation skill. 🙁

  1. I know exactly what you mean, I find that during most conversations I usually stay silent on any given subject or someone spots me silently grimacing to myself then they ask my view, then sometimes it can convince/sway someone’s opinion or actually make them think. But usually I stay silent as I work mostly idiots, smart idiots but still idiots.

    I did read somewhere that introverts tend to struggle with small talk.

    But friends I accepted years ago that for myself I don’t have friends/true friends I have people I know and we get on but when push comes to shove or the shtf – I’m pretty much on my own, I hope it will be different for you 👍

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