So I just bought tickets to a local comedy show
2 tickets for $37.00 a piece. So $74 + $6.48 of tax(fine I get it, it’s America I’m used to tax being added) but then and other $11.98 in service charges. What are they I have no idea but my ticket price went from $74 to $92.46.

So I ask you as a humble American do Europeans deal with these weird fees? It’s not bad hewr but large concerts can pile on fees that almost equal your ticket price.

  1. I don’t remember ever seeing that. It would probably not be legal if not justified (or people wouldn’t buy, different mentality…)

    On ticketmaster you pay 1.45€ “delivery” fee for e-ticket, or between 7€ and 18€ if you actually want it printed and delivered to your home.

    But it’s all clearly stated in the Terms and Conditions, there is no surprise fee without explanation.

  2. Sometimes, but it’s usually waived for online bookings which essentially makes online tickets cheaper than paying upon entry.

    The ones I remember are in the tune of 1 or 2 Euro though. That’s no where near 12 US Dollars.

  3. We do, here’s a breakdown of what I paid for an event last year from Ticketmaster (all taxes etc. included):

    Basic ticket cost: £35.00

    Service Charge: £4.75

    Facility Charge: £1.20

    No delivery charge. I’ve had to pay one before with Ticketmaster (even for e-tickets) but no doubt it’s just re-named and lumped under one of the other charges.

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