I asked this in another subreddit with no traction so I thought I’d ask here too.

Is there a publicly viewable "queue" of bills that have passed the house and are waiting on a senate vote? from Ask_Politics

Tl;Dr saw a bill that passed the house in 1973 and still hasn’t been voted on in the Senate. Is there a place to see a priority queue of bills the Senate has to vote on?

Edit: thanks to u/MyUsername2459 In this [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskAnAmerican/comments/11t4lej/is_there_a_place_to_see_the_full_list_of_bills_in/jchd6d2/) this does not exist

  1. Also interested. IMO it’s so weird that the process of our democracy is so incredibly opaque. It’s not that the information isn’t there, so much as nobody outside of politics seems to know or care how to read it.

    …and this doesnt just apply to the federal democracy either. It applies to state and local politics as much if not more so, since there’s less and less local news to cover them.

    When was the last time you met someone who knew what the list of bills planned for the state house were? Or someone who went to the last city council meeting? Personally I have never met anyone in either category.

  2. You probably won’t find one. Bills that have not become law during a particular Congress (around a two-year period) die. The process then has to start over.

    Thus, the Senate cannot pass a bill passed by the House in 1973. It can adopt the same bill and pass that as a new bill, but then the House would also need to pass it.*

    *Assuming the bill does not contain something that can originate in only the House.

  3. You can see every bill that has been introduced on congress.gov. Leadership determines what gets votes on and when. Most bills never receive a vote and just die out at the end of the whatever congress it is.

    The bill from 1973 is dead and will never be voted on unless someone reintroduces it and manages to get it to a floor vote. It will have to pass the house again.

  4. The US Senate and House of Reps websites have it for current bills.

    A bill passed by a house in 1973 by the house but not the senate died when that congress concluded.

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