How do You court and woo someone? and, do you prefer courting/wooing or dating and why?

  1. I just screw ‘Woo!’ at random times like a drunk white girl until she notices me

  2. WTF is courting without dating? I really dislike both, honestly. I prefer a relationship develops organically. I shouldn’t have to “woo” someone.

  3. I shit you not, I met a girl on bumble last year who identified as sapiosexual. She said she likes to be courted rather than dated. She even said it’s more like the old days.

    Her idea of courting was friends first and slowly wooing her over with my chivalry and charm. That it would take a long time to develop an emotional connection before she would feel comfortable doing anything romantic or sexual.

    Yeah screw that. I’m here to find the woman of my dreams and I need to know upfront that she’s into this and we’re compatible

  4. Send a telegram to their parents, inviting them to travel on a steam locomotive, and speak with you about your intentions for their progeny.

  5. They’re technically the same thing. Just courting and wooing are more dated terms. And how people court each other has changed over time. If you try to date like it’s the 1700’s you’ll be very disappointed, unless the other person happens to be into that. Although I can’t imagine why anyone would want that because the past mostly sucks.

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