Men who rejected a “nice girl” what was their reaction to getting rejected?

  1. Realized she wasn’t actually nice at all. She was the most toxic person I ever known after. Literally made up rumors and tried to even get me fired at work after. She didn’t work with me she just called my work and just told them all these awful fake stuff.

  2. Hissy fit. In my experience women don’t react well to rejection.

    It seems outlandish to them.

  3. “He’s not relationship material anyways. He’d only be a good fuck.” Oh and ive heard one tell my mates “hes just a piece of meat. Not worth dating anyways.” A piece of meat is an eyecandy who is only good to be used for sex. Heard this a few times now from different girls- some who just wanted a root.

  4. She kind of flipped… saying stuff like “I’m such a catch” and “you’re making a huge mistake”, she even showed up uninvited once.

    Her conceit was masking major insecurities.

  5. It was for purely practical reasons why I didn’t pursue the relationship, because otherwise she was a beautiful but sweet “bring her home to mom” type.

    Still, she didn’t take it too well. I could tell she was holding back tears.

  6. They spend a lifetime absorbing the script of how its supposed to be from TV and Hollywood, so a guy going off script makes them scared confused and angry.

  7. She told me she though I was gay. How could I not like her? Who wouldn’t like her? Lol.

  8. Women really hate being rejected. Often the “Nice Girl” is no longer so nice.

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