I have to colleges in different departments who are so difficult to deal with when I have a conference with them. Both act the same way, they don’t let me finish my speech and sometimes interrupt me in a moment where if I stop talking all what I’ve told won’t make sense or will sound like something different than what I actually mean.

For example in the last conference I’ve tried to defend my department explaining the whole problem that affects our department and others and when I was assuming our part of the blame talking about our mistake and the way to fix it, a girl of another department which is also involved interrupted me saying “Exactly that’s your mistake” almost screaming and she continued talking about it for a minute. Then the conversation turns around our mistakes and not about the real problem leaving us as the guilty ones.

They also use this strategy speaking louder than me when they want to interrupt me.

Any idea to deal with them?

  1. Speak louder than them. Or ignore them until they decide to stop interrupting you. Be aggressive.

  2. Watch some videos of the UK parliament (on youtube) and see how the MPs deal with each other. Its highly confrotnarional. Mostly dealt with, with quick wit and comedy in order to be heard. It’s fascinating to watch. The person with the most playful attitude is often the most listened to in such situations. Despite the serious undertones of the debate.

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