I don’t know what it is, but no matter how close i try to get with my two other friends they’re simply too close with one another and they leave me out of stuff, run ahead of me, and if im with one or the either they try to run away and regroup with each other. I do so much to make plans and we have fun times but I just have this empty feeling inside of me whenever I am left out or I can tell they want to run away from me and it just leaves me feeling terrible. I just feel like leaving them but I have nowhere else to go because I do so much for them and care for them deeply but they have shown through their actions they dont really give a damn. I need to hear from others who have been in this situation, what did you guys do? Im tired of feeling like a third wheel/unwanted.

  1. I think there are just two things you can do:
    1. talk to them about it
    2. search for friends who appreciate you deeply

    No one can tell you which decision is the best for you, only you know it
    But I’m sure you can handle whatever you decide 👍🏼

  2. That sounds really tough. I can understand why you’d be feeling frustrated and upset about the situation, especially after being in the same friend group for so long.

    Have you tried talking to them about how you feel? It can be really hard to bring up, but if you can explain how you feel and how it’s affecting you, it might help them understand why it’s hurtful. It could also be a chance to discuss how you can all work together to make sure everyone feels included.

    If you don’t feel comfortable talking to them directly, maybe reach out to a few other friends who might be able to offer you some support and advice. It’s always helpful to get a different perspective on a situation and it might help you find a way out of it.

    Good luck, I hope it gets better soon!

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