I have been talking to a coworker for about 3 weeks now, which is about as long as he as worked at my job. We have gone on one date, hung out a ton, and see each other almost every night. I was having some hesitancy at first because he doesn’t have a car, and still lives at home, but I have slowly started to like him and develop feelings for him, but I have not crossed that line between infatuation and real feelings. The only thing we have done sexual is oral from me, and some heavy petting but we have not had sex and I haven’t let him touch me or anything. I found out today from my work friend, whos boyfriend is a coworker too, that he told him about what we did. I understand guys talk but, this guy is not even his real friend, and a couple of months ago was trying to ask me out. I feel like he can only say sexual things about me as I was told he has not said anything about whether he truly likes me and wants to be more. I told him I was done and because he only wants to fuck, and runs his mouth too much, but I could definitely see myself letting him make it up to me. Or should I cut off contact? Am I being too harsh?

TLDR; Talking to a coworker that told another coworker I gave him oral. He hurt my feelings and embrassed me but should I give him another chance?

  1. Do yourself a humongous favor. Don’t shit where you eat. Been there done that and it sucks.

  2. Short answer: Nope.

    He breached your trust almost IMMEDIATELY, with someone who wasn’t even close to him. That’s the kind of person he is. When people show you who they are, believe them.

  3. I guess it depends on how tastey his cock wasps to whether you should forgive him ? Lick his ass as a test and see if he tells his co-workers that, cuz he probably will do the same thing through the rest of time.

    >I could definitely see myself letting him make it up to me.

    and I am ever so curious, how does he make it up to you exactly? if you feel like striking back, which I dont reccomend, when the blow jobs get mentioned just say yeah I sucked his dick, while holding up two fingers about an inch apart…should do the trick if you are the retribution type.

  4. No, no second chance.

    If he can’t put your privacy over his own immature need to show off to his friends then he’s just not boyfriend material.

  5. The guy sounds like an insecure little boy who has to tell lies to feel good about himself. Do you really want to date a person like that? I hope not. My advice is to have as little contact with him as you can.

  6. Absolutely drop him. What an immature ass. Have more respect for yourself than to look past this.

  7. No, nope, negative. He’s already proved he’s a tool who’s more concerned with bragging and coming across as a player than someone you can trust with not only with your feelings but also your reputation. Knock it on the head and make better choices concerning people you work with.

  8. This is already sexual harassment. He is making sexual lies about yourself to change the perception of other coworkers about you. I don’t know in what place you work, but this is already serious. And you are here asking if you should give him a chance?

  9. Short answer, no.

    Long answer, girl, why the fuck would you do that to yourself?

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