Hi I’m 23 F, I’ve only been in a relationship once (it was very long term) and I’m very strange socially. I was wondering if it would be weird to text a guy I met at a work conference in another state, and spark up some convo. Im not sure if im just touch deprived but for some reason I can’t stop thinking about him. We saw each other 3 times at the conference, we talked once and hugged/ said hi the other few times. I strongly fear rejection, and I am not sure if he is insane enough like I am to get crush from one interaction. But I guess you don’t need to have feelings to get to know someone, I’m just not sure how this stuff works honestly.

Edit: I only have his number through his business card, so I wonder if it’s weird to text him too

  1. It’s not weird to shoot your shot and reach out to someone you met at a work conference. In fact, it’s quite common for people to connect with others they meet at events or conferences, especially if they have common interests or work in the same field. It’s important to remember that rejection is a normal part of dating and meeting new people, so don’t let the fear of rejection hold you back from reaching out. Just be respectful, genuine, and don’t put too much pressure on the situation. Good luck!

  2. Just a heads up, a lot of people get together and fuck at work conferences.

    One might say it’s the main reason they go.

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