Idk what I am. I love conversations, talking to strangers, meeting new people. And I give great first impressions. Everyone says I’m easy to talk to.

There’s this thing that happens a lot. When I meet someone it goes off great. But when you add in more people I get tense. It happened a multiple times at college parties where I’d just be sitting and chilling, then one of my friends would come up and ask if I was ok.

At work, the exact same thing happened. When I first joined my company I hit it off with my team and dept lead and the team. Then a couple weeks later I realized he was looking at me a lot kinda expecting me to jump in, I didn’t lol and since then I noticed it doesn’t happen.

The only times it hasn’t happened was when I had some authority over a group. For example being on the varsity team, being a tutor, or being one of the most experienced workers at my food industry job. Regardless of how big the group was I felt good.

And honestly I’ve realized I’m terrible with making deep connections with people (I think this is actually normal lol?). People in college always told me “wow you know so many people”, but I was garbage at maintaining connections (although I did realize and change this towards the end of my college career).

So I guess I’m really good at attracting people and make good first impressions. How do you keep those impressions going when you get tense in large group settings or when you’re trying to make lasting connections, no clue lol

1 comment
  1. Extroverts – gain energy from social interactions.

    Introverts – lose energy from social interactions.

    Ambiverts – gain energy from certain social interactions but also need alone time to gain energy after certain social interactions

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