Hello, my wife (22f) and I (23f) got married dec 2021 during HBL of AIT. (I’m Army) I thought we were happy throughout our whole relationship. I got deployed Jan 2023 and she then brought up that she wasn’t happy and hasn’t been happy “for a while”, but has never brought it to my attention and blindsided me with her not being happy and wanting to go back home to her family. I fully support her going to see her family as often as she wants. she went 3x last year just to see and be around them. We are supposed to go back to visit them in May of this year. I don’t really understand why she wouldn’t talk to me about why she’s not happy so I had an opportunity to try to fix it. she said she hasn’t been happy since we got married and she now wants a divorce. she won’t try therapy before filing for a divorce or even wait for me to get back from deployment. she hasn’t been talking to me for the last week because she wanted space, and last I talked to her she said she wants a divorce and that her parents are going to go and pick all her items up from our apartment and take her back home without giving me a chance to fight for our relationship.

any advice?

  1. Bro she is probably riding another guys weenie, and your over here on Reddit writing to us. Get yourself a divorce and get with a girl who will love you for you. Don’t fight for the relationship if she is not even giving you a chance to fight for it. You deserve a lot better my friend.

  2. This is hilarious, my bumper sticker reads ” my gf’s husband fights for your freedom” lmao I’m so done

  3. You got married at 23, why???

    Get out now, do not pass go, do not knock her up. Unless you want to be supporting her and her Jodie’s kid for the rest of your life.

  4. You’re young. You don’t have kids or a mortgage with her. Let her go. Talk to base legal wherever you’re at. Do a free consult with an attorney licensed in the state you live in. Get your affairs in order. Rescind any powers of attorney she has. Stay safe and get home. Then have some fun of your own.

  5. Let her go and divorce her as soon as possible. Do not get your command involved as there are instructions that will work against you.

  6. What MOS are you? If you are 31B or 31D or any 11 series just make it disappear!! Lol JK.

    Let her go but get a damn good lawyer so she doesn’t take your shit and move on. Find someone who makes you happy and she’s happy.

    Focus on yourself man

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