TL:DR: don’t like my sis and don’t hope for her bf to come to my birthday but he is driving my sis to our dinner. Never seen him but he is going to be there on my birthday. Is it wrong to not invite him?

Generally I’m not very fond of my sister and my other younger sister is also not fond of her bc she can be rude and I can tell she doesn’t like us either but her bf is going to drive her to the restaurant where we are going to have dinner at.
She asks my dad if she can bring her bf bc he is driving her all the way to the place. So my dad asked me about it but without thinking much I said no. My dad hesitates because he also feels bad for her bf and her but he wants the best for my birthday and my younger sis.
I’m reflecting if I made good choice. Am I rude to tell her and her bf that? I have never really seen him but I do feel bad that he always drive her places but isn’t invited. But I’m also debating that it’s her fault for always taking his ride.
I’m also worried my younger sis will be leave uncomfortable memory on her birthday. But hey maybe that’s what she gets and it’s my birthday so…
I know I’m being unkind but is it worth it or am I just wrong?

1 comment
  1. This is a tough one because it’s family. And (supposedly) family is supposed to stick together. But something about your older sis makes you and your younger sis uncomfortable.

    But, I need more info…
    Forget the bf for a sec. What exactly does your older sis do to make you feel this way? How is she “rude?” What could she potentially do or say to ruin your birthday dinner?

    Ok the bf. That’s his choice to drive her there. Is he 20 too? He should be old enough to drop her off and do whatever else he wants to pass the time until he comes back to pick up your older sis. He should be mature enough to understand that this is a family dinner.

    Now, let’s say you change your mind and want to try to have everyone there, would there be a way to have your older sis (and bf if you feel obligated to invite him too) sit away from you and your younger sis? Are there others coming that could act as a buffer? You and your younger sis sit on one end, parents in between, older sis and bf in the other side? Does that make sense? Or are there not really enough people for that to be a good buffer/distance between you all?

    TLDR Honestly, It’s your birthday and you can invite whoever you want.

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