How do you know it’s time to end a relationship?

  1. You start noticing how different your desires and ambitions are. How different your future is. The whole “new love” phase is over and practicality hits you, seeing them as a human rather than the angel you always imagined.

  2. Speaking towards long-term relationships, for me, it’s always been when there’s some sort of difference of opinion, conflict, principle, or ambition that we have for one thing or another that cannot be compromised on. Kind of vague, but there’s always something that’s a non-negotiable that cannot be overcome.

    There’s been times I still feel affection and love towards her, but in reflecting on our differences and the future of what our relationship would look like, I (we) know it wouldn’t work. It’s a tough place to be, but sometimes it’s the right choice.

  3. For me it was when i said goodbye to my girlfriend after going on a holiday with her.

    I asked “did you have a good time?”

    Just before she shut her car door she said “I’ve had better”. Then she drove off.

    Yeah .. it didn’t last.




    Um… Lol?

  4. When you start asking yourself and thinking about ending the relationship. Your instincts know best

  5. When if you got dumped, or notified that you would never see this again person again, it’s a relief

  6. I saw a post a while back that asked something similar and someone linked to this [link](

    It’s one of those old like write in advice columns. There’s a bunch of letter written to “Sugar” and like 5 or so down you’ll find one that starts with “Dear Women”.

    The main point is “wanting to leave is enough”.

    I don’t think that should be a harsh blanket statement. I’m sure a lot of people in happy relationships have moments where they feel like they want to leave for a bit. But just something to consider

  7. If I’m going to feel lonely, I’d rather be alone.
    (Assume all the talking and discussion has been done and it just isn’t working)

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