I have accepted a job offer for a dream job at a dream company. One problem is that I did my current job at a previous company and it got outsourced to my current company which I was brought over to help with the outsourcing but did the same work 90% of the time. I worked for the client for 6 months and the outsourcing company for 9 months but stated that I worked for the client for 15 months.

I requested to not contact my “current employer” but they are adamant to contact them otherwise I can’t get my DBS approval to work so I let them. I am worried they might find out I did not tell the full truth and dismiss me before I start my new job.

Those who worked in HR or have had a simialr experience, will I be dismissed for this reason or will the new employer be fine with it?

  1. On your application did you say you did that job for that long, or did you explicitly state you were employed by the same company for all that time?

  2. I’d contact HR and tell them what you’ve told us about the outsourcing thing.

    Hope you get the job but let this be a lesson to you about lying about your most recent work history

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