Are there any good dating apps for ace people? It’s been a major struggle for me (25 F2M) to find a date once people learn I’m ace. I have no interest in sex and the moment I mention that to someone because I’m trying to be open, I either get rejected or ghosted. Nothing bad on them, the world is very sex driven, which is why I’m trying to be open so those expecting sex don’t get disappointed later on and get a false sense of hope. I ended up putting this on my dating profile to just have it out in the open and avoid that drama, but now everything is silent. It’s also kinda worse because I’m trans. Is there an app for ace people or one that works well for others like me? I’ve tried a lot of apps with no real luck.

  1. OkCupid – a dating app that allows users to identify as asexual and offers the option to search for other asexual individuals

  2. This was a whole plot line on Bojack. All About That Ace was the name of the app for asexuals.

  3. Um… Try to find other ace people? I don’t know anyone who would want to be in a sexless relationship, so your only options will be other ace folk.

  4. If everyone is asexual we wouldn’t have been here using dating apps.

    You know you are rare so I guess you just have to keep trying

  5. >It’s been a major struggle for me (25 F2M) to find a date once people learn I’m ace.

    If you are not telling them in your dating profile that you are ace, you are just as big a liar as the ones who are 5 foot tall and lie about height and those who are 100 pounds heavier than the pictures they took 10 years ago.

    Good for you that you are telling people up front.

    Bad for you if you are not concentrating on getting back to normal when it comes to sex drive. Maybe focus on THAT instead of dating, and once you are back on track you can start dating normally.

  6. >It’s been a major struggle for me (25 F2M) to find a date once people learn I’m ace.

    Based on how you phrased this, I’m assuming that your profile mentions nothing about your asexuality.

    Anyone is going to be pretty upset by this surprise curveball.

  7. I don’t know about dating sites for asexuals. But I do hope you are able to find someone. Dating sites are horrible, and when you are different (meaning not cis or straight lol, not in a bad way) in anyway it’s just that much harder.

    I know I personally don’t match with anyone who says their asexual, just because I need sex so much and it wouldn’t be fair to them. But, it’s good that you’re putting it on your profile as it is such a deal breaker.

    I know ok cupid can be easier, and maybe there’s some LGBTQ groups or things in your area? You could meet people who are similar to you or more open minded and you might have more luck.

  8. Maybe try Feeld, especially if you’re open to non-monogamy. Put asexual on any dating app profile in a prominent location, maybe even elaborate (are you completely sex adverse?) a little.

  9. I feel like Hinge might be worth a try. It allows users to be far more descriptive in their profiles than Tinder or Bumble, so perhaps that can allow you to be more transparent. I think you can also filter by sexual orientation (?) — but perhaps that’s a premium feature. Someone please confirm this, I’m a straight guy so I’m not sure how in-depth that feature is.

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