Walked into a pub the other day. Completely empty other than two chaps playing pool and seven (I fucking counted) pound coins on the table.

We were only stopping for a quick one as we had somewhere to be so I asked politely if these two gentlemen didn’t mind if we jumped in after there current game was through. Following that conversation those two gormless fuckers very quickly became my least favourite people on the planet.

Needles to say I did not get my highly anticipated game of pool.

Anyway, do you think it’s reasonable to play more than a single game when there’s other people waiting for the table? We’ve always considered it proper to take turns, that’s what I learned in nursery anyway.

Edit: Just to clarify I’m fairly certain those two were just being tossers, but I am curious to see if you lot would deem it acceptable for someone to play more than one game in a row.

  1. They were just a couple of cnuts.
    Most people will let you have a game.

    They’re obviously not in a hurry, with 7 games anticipated.

  2. I misunderstood at first and thought that there must be seven other pairs waiting to play but it was just those two guys?! Fuck those two guys, that’s downright entitled. I’ve never seen the same two people hogging a pool table, the change on the side has always belonged to other people waiting their turn.

  3. 7 is a joke. 4 is reasonable, and discretion to let people jump ahead should always be ok, but not a given. I’d have allowed it in the circumstances, being a quiet day etc. They were clearly there for a long time, what harm would one extra game-time have done to them?

  4. All I’m saying is that out of all the times I or a mate ended up in a fight in a pub and someone ended up bleeding, all bar one were when someone tried to suggest to the regulars something other than the regulars playing as much as they wanted…

  5. It’s a bit much, in my local when someone does that they get challenged to a game of doubles , winner takes the table . Never met blokes who turn down a game of doubles in public

  6. As weird as it sounds, I think it depends on whether there’s a pool (using the word interchangeably with snooker) club nearby or not.

    They are cunts, don’t get me wrong!

    But it’s probably their only form of entertainment and if they like pool but don’t have a nearby clubhouse then what are they to do? And in that respect, first come first served I’m afraid.

    Similar concept with the jukebox, however I think there’s much more scope for innovation so that you could have a fair chance of having your song on earlier than expected despite there being 20 in the queue.

  7. Couple of coins max, if anyone wanted to jump in they’d pay to play me for the table, winner could have a couple of racks and then you could play for the table again.

  8. It is basic social etiquette to share the pool table. Those idiots need to wake up

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