Me(21F) and my BF(21M) ONLY do doggy style, he doesnt like eye contact during sex either or me looking back at him at all. He told me he loves me so deeply but doesn’t want to combine me into that category (sex) because im such a “precious angel” to him and he views sex as a dirty animalistic thing that he just uses girls for so you would think this would make him care about my pleasure but he just uses me as a fuck doll so i feel like his reasoning to why he treats sex in our relationship like that makes no sense. He calls me cute and beautiful and pretty but if i try to be sexy he says “ew” or “just turn around” …. Hes not gay either bc i know what type of porn he watches. He also has a raging urge to cheat on me, one time i set him up and he was tellling “the girl” all the dirty things he wanted to do to her including eating her out which he WOULD NEVER do to me. He thinks im pretty but not fuckable? I dont understand and it makes me so sad, the last 3 years i have gotten no pleasure and its strating to make me want to seek it from other men which isnt fair bc i just want HIM to want me, not anyone else. WHAT DOES THIS MEANNNNNN???

  1. Wake up, you’re just being used by him. “Raging urge to cheat on you” he probably already did. He might only be using you as a backup plan in case of his failed attempt to find another woman. Both of you have the desire to cheat, I recommend to break up at that point and just explore yourselves. Maybe you’ll get back with each other when both of you KNOW what you want

  2. Uhh…well, regarding him liking doggy style only…people like what they like. Personally I don’t really like doggy style because it’s so impersonal and I need to see my partners face and reactions to cum.

    The other stuff…why are you with him??

  3. Ask yourself, do you think this is going to get any better? I think you know the answer and what you need to do.

  4. Dump him yesterday. His attitudes about women and sexuality are toxic and he doesn’t care about your pleasure. He’s probably already cheated on you. Dump him dump him dump him.

  5. Look up the Madonna whore complex, it sounds like that’s what’s happening here. After you do that, proceed to dump him immediately.

  6. 3 years?!? Wow, there are 🚩🚩🚩 all over this one. Run, don’t walk, out the door of this one. It may not be the answer you wanna hear but if your sexual needs aren’t being met, not even considered, this is an unhealthy relationship. You deserve more than just what he wants.

  7. DTMFA. It’s way past time to get out of this. He’s not viewing you as a complete human.

  8. Are we all just going to ignore the “I set him up” part? That’s serious red flag behavior, every bit as bad as his.

  9. Why are you dating him?
    He doesnt care about your pleasure?
    He seems to have 0 respect for you or your needs?
    It treats you like a whore, tahts only worth fucking from behind.
    He probably cheats on you.

    Did I forget something?

    What is wrong with you?
    You’re more fucktoy than girlfriend. And he doesnt respect or love you at all.

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