As above, with all due respect and no intention to bash any culture, as I am Asian myself. The question is not for generic Asian fetish, but is there really nationality specific Asian fetish.

I (27f) just recently been blocked by my hookup (26m) who is White/Causasian. Been hooking up since March 2022, and been blocked in Feb 2023, so this situationship lasted almost a year.

I found myself slowly attaching to him during ths time, but apparently he wasn’t – I proposed quite a few times want to have more conversations instead of sex only. His reply to me was always ‘Focusing on music career’, or ‘He thinks right now is good’. I know I was dumb and should’ve cut ties with him earlier, but stupidly I didn’t and let the situation flow, hoping it will change, but it didn’t.

After he blocked me on ig I (obviously) opened another account to see what’s happening, and found out he announced he now has a girlfriend – again with all due repect, from the picture i can see is with a stereotypical Asian appearance in western culture.

I myself don’t have that stereotypical appearance, hence questioning the above.

Plus i see many guys in dating app saying wanting to go to Japan or Korea, and tbh this to me is a huge red flag cuz make me feel they have fetish over these 2 cultures, and make me uncomfortable.

  1. I wouldn’t say it’s all western guys necessarily, but there are people like that out there. It’s kinda clear the way you wrote it that he was looking to chase a fetish and not looking to build a relationship. I know it sucks, but you dodged a bullet.

  2. A lot do.its hard to quantify because the line people simply have a preference and a fetish can be hard to distinguish. But I’d say, in the US at least, Asian fetish is the most common racial fetish I’ve seen.

  3. You date white men but it’s them that have the fetish right? You give me your address and I’ll buy you a mirror, not that you could see your own reflection

  4. You didn’t provide any examples of what is the stereotypical Asian appearance to you. Because this is something you perceive. People of the same ethnicity vary in appearance.

  5. Some western guys can be into what the title asks, op. But I think the term is called yellow fever but the term is slang. In general, people might go by certain appearances. In your case, an example would be a guy who is into asians but who was into a certain kind.

  6. Some may have a fetish for asian women, but from what i have seen, it’s usually the other way around.

  7. Its not fetish but i honestly like their culture and wouldnt mind dating someone from there

  8. I like girls from all over the world that I find attractive but never have been inclined toward a specific race. I have met lots of guys who have a preference. Mostly Asian guys that only like Asian girls. Some random dudes that like one specific type over the other but I run into more guys that exclude one type of race from their preferences over only liking one type. In the end people like what they like, That’s their issue. Korean girls scare me though when they get angry. (personal experience, lol)

  9. There was a (or smt similar) data analysis from tens of millions of interactions I saw once that showed Asian women clearly having a non trivially larger share of the market. So you are not imagining things.

    Asian men and black women have the lowest share. There was also an odd spike of preference between middle eastern and native American people…

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