I’ve always been a very straightforward person and just speak my mind off directly without filtering my brain.

There’s a co worker at work that has been chugging in into anything I do, and recently I was asking my supervisor about how she would ideally like something to be done so I could do it to her liking, and he came in and said ” Just do it any way you like, what you do isn’t important” and for some reason that comment took a hard hit on me and I responded back with “Your comment wasn’t important either”

Later,I got reprimanded by HR on my attitude and I needed to “watch my mouth.”

Another time I was with a friend at a restaurant, I missed her because I haven’t seen her for almost 8 months as she went overseas to visit her relatives. Anyways I was extremely excited to see her again, we placed our food orders and waited, we were casually chatting and at some point I was trying to explain something to my friend (a video game mechanic) but got halted by a waiter slamming his hands on our table. I then apologised if I was talking too loud because I tend to do that when I’m excited, but I’ve been keeping myself in check but he then said “No you’re not loud” so I was confused.There was also not many people in the restaurant ( like 3 including us) so I didn’t see much of a problem to chatter. He then said “Holy hell you talk wayyyyyyy too fast for me to even understand.” And turned to my friend to ask “Do you understand what the fuck she’s saying because I don’t understand what the fuck she’s talking about with how fast she speaks” and my friend was like “Of course yeah , shes explaining things in a way I can understand”

Halfway during our meal this waiter suddenly nudged a letter to me, and said “Since you speak fast you should be able to read fast too.” I got pissed off and said “pick up a book and read and maybe you’ll have some skills” and left immediately when I overheard him say smth like “I was only playing around why was she so worked up.”( We paid for our food already since we were using those scan to order and pay functions on our phones)

Usually I wouldn’t get mad over stuff like these but I feel like
its been happening alot. Everyone Ive ranted to tells me I need to tone down on my words and just go back to the days where I just respond with “Thanks” and that I’m in the wrong for fighting back. I just don’t have it in me to laugh things off right now nor want to continue taking in hurtful comments.

1 comment
  1. When one if my favorite bosses realized he was in a crappy mood and being rude he would say sarcastically, “why does everyone want to argue with me today”.

    The tone of the comment let us all know he understood he was creating the problems with his attitude. It wasn’t an apology but it definately reset the negativity so we could start over.

    Hope you understand my point here since you said this is happening to you more frequently.

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