Tldr; Friend can’t accept that we will never be together (date) and hates it when I set boundaries. And isn’t talking to be currently because I like somebody. Should I drop him, I 19F him 22M

I’m 19 he is 22

•I’ve been friends with this guy for 6 years been friends with since age 13, were 3 and a month apart. He was 16, we met online.
Age wasn’t taken into consideration because we were only just interested in the same things. And had similar personalities at the time.

* he vented to me and I vented to him so basically he knows everything about me. Well I’ve told him things, he probably won’t remember. We dated either when I was 13,14 for two weeks. I remember it vividly. This was only because he asked me to give it a chance. I think” regardless I didn’t have feelings for him. And had a problem saying no. He had expressed that he liked me several times before we dated I just never liked him like that. There were times I was uncomfortable with even showing any affection back. Because he would make it uncomfortable for me. Like saying I love you . I Did love him and do love him but as a friend only. Anyways so we ended up breaking up and ghosted each other after that.My point now is that he looks at that a real relationship. Even though I didn’t like him and he knows this. He says he didn’t really like me either and that he was desperate but then he says one thing but does another. He says these things when we’re fighting. But told me recently that he doesn’t want to hear about anyone I’m dating or like. Then keeps telling me maybe we have a change together.

* He got upset/ keeps getting upset when I set boundaries. Like I don’t understand I explain why certain things make me uncomfortable and he get mad. And stops talking to me. I told him I didn’t want him to send me inappropriate pictures. That he wanted me to see so I could be honest “because he was insecure. Thing like that and he gets mad that I set boundaries.

He now mad at me currently because
I like someone which I didn’t tell him he assumed

. Is this able to salvaged or do I just need to stop being his friend permanently.

  1. There’s nothing to salvage here. This is not a friend in any meaningful sense of the word.

    There’s a word for people who become enraged when you say no to sexual contact…

  2. He girlfriend -zoned you and is pissed off you didn’t play along. That’s not a friend, that’s someone who says you should reward-bang them for not SAing you when you were drunk at a party. It’s awful behavior and you absolutely do not need to put up with it.

  3. Why would you want to remain friends with someone who literally couldn’t care less about making you uncomfortable or unhappy.

  4. This man is not your friend. He has never been your friend. There is nothing to salvage here. Drop this creep.

  5. Drop him. He never learned what love is and thinks of it in toxic ways. He won’t listen to you so you can’t teach him either. That’s his journey to take or shy away from.

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