My husband recently passed away & we’re having his memorial service next week. We were together for 25 years, and married for 20. We built what seemed like a picture-perfect life. Good money, 2 beautiful kids, and a long marriage. However, our marriage at one point was miserable and we were on the brink of divorce.

He started having an affair. We’ve never spoken directly about it. Why? I didn’t feel the need to. I know that he knew that I knew, and his actions showed that. Sure, at first it hurt, but then I really didn’t care. I had my life, he had his, and for us, some things were better left unsaid. Now that he’s died, I’m sorting through his things and wondering if I should give something to the other woman. So?

  1. Is she married? And what is it you’re thinking of giving her? A black eye? A fat lip?

  2. I think it’s up to you. It depends what it is. It seems that you made peace with the situation.

  3. I’m sorry for your loss.

    I think you should do whatever feels right to you in your heart.

    Don’t do it to be a bigger person or because you feel an obligation to forgive.

    Only do it if you actually want her to have something.

  4. If it came into your heart maybe you should. You thought of it. Sorry for your loss.

  5. First of all, I am so sorry for your loss OP.

    But secondly, you seem like an absolutely amazing person. The fact that you’d even think to give something to her after going through something so traumatic is such a kind gesture. I think it would be lovely to give his possessions to people who knew him rather than giving them away.

  6. I have to honestly say that this post

    I’m sorry, I had to get up and walk away from my laptop for a break…

    I have never seen a post like this. I am so sorry for your loss. I respect you for your grace in such a difficult situation. If you feel that you could (emotionally be ok) offer a token(s), perhaps have someone else be the intermediary.

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