Okay, the issue at hand,

I have a coworker who works with me in a bar who has a crush on me. I know this because I have been told by another coworker who is a mutual friend.

If I so talk to her (out of politeness) I’m bombarded with texts after work that suggest we hang out. Yet if I don’t engage in conversation with her, I’m bombarded with texts asking me if everything is okay, etc.

The one time that I decided to visit her at her apartment to hang out it was really boring, so it’s not like I haven’t given her an opportunity to see if we could mesh as friends.

She is the bosses daughter, so I don’t want to be indelicate about how I handle this dynamic, but I pretty much want to say Listen, I don’t like you, I’m not interested in you. Please respect my boundaries.”

Anyone have a similar problem and how did you deal with it?

  1. What are your responses to when she asks to hang out?

    Boss’ daughter is a tough call…. Maybe “I’m seeing someone, I’ll talk to you at work.”

  2. It’s hard to judge those situations just by text… but the best way is to be honest. But be polite and friendly.

    If you are not honest, it will just end in a catastrophe

  3. Maybe this mutual friend might be able to help soften the blow. If you’re uncomfortable or worried about your employment status because she’s the boss’s daughter, maybe the mutual friend can mention that your old girlfriend is back in the picture. Even if it’s a lie.

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