Hey y’all.

I don’t know what to do. I’ve come to the realization that my best friend isn’t actually there for me. Two weeks ago, I confessed to her that I’ve been dealing with depression for a long time and that I feel alone. She said she was grateful for telling her all of that, and she feels more connected to me. But I noticed that since I talked to her about it, she asked me just once how I’m doing. I am and have always been there for her, and I messaged her almost every day to ask how she’s been. But in return, I get absolutely nothing. I also noticed that since I stopped texting her every day, our conversation got really quiet. I just feel not seen and heard by her, although these are two main things I value in a friendship. She is the only friend I have.

  1. Maybe she doesn’t know how to handle the situation
    I would try to be honest and talk to her about how you feel

  2. I am sorry that you’re depressed. Maybe your best friend is going through her own issues. Everyone handles personal issues differently. You maybe the person who needs to be heard and recognized daily. Perhaps you’re dragging down your friend and she might need a break from you. Friendship is supposed to be a 2 way street. Try to be a little less clingy and give her some space. I’m sure she’ll comeback around.

  3. I’m going through this exact same thing with my best friend of 10 years right now. Sometimes I wonder if I acted too negative around him to the point that he doesn’t want me in his life as much anymore. I don’t know if this is the right advice for you, but you can’t force someone to be your friend. If they want to have a close relationship with you, they’ll make an effort.

  4. See a doctor. Your friend is not prepared for this and may have their own baggage around this concept. A depressed parent when you’re growing up can be a huge burden and they could be scared or stressed and feel burdened. Or they may just not understand the concepts you’re talking about. Either way, go with a professional.

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