How long have you been using the pull out method successfully?

  1. I’ve been using my “face” as my birth control (no girl wants to have sex with me)…

  2. My father used it with success for 25 years, they once had a mishap which required morning after pill.

  3. Nobody uses it successfully, dumbass. That’s why Catholics all have fifty kids.

  4. 2.5 years. We only use it because we’re not actively trying to get pregnant but if it happens we’re OK with it.

  5. Past performance does not guarantee future success. It’s a numbers game. Sometimes you hit the lottery with your first ticket, other times it’s the 11,688,054th. But unlike the lottery, your chances of “winning” are much higher as are the consequences.

  6. All my life, no failure, 1 planned child.
    It is a reckless and irresponsible thing to do and I don’t recommend it.
    I was lucky and dumb.
    An unplanned pregnancy can alter your life course for the worst.

  7. Q: What do you call people who use the withdrawal method of birth control?

    A: Parents.

  8. Vasectomy at 25 so never now. Pulling out didn’t work last year and I became depressed thinking I’d be a dad I went pro choice real quick and she said she aborted it.

  9. Had a better method that worked for 8 years. She’d finish first then I’d get out and she’s finish the rest for me manually…. People still had the audacity to ask if our first kid was an accident after 8 years of successfully avoiding it… no, he wasn’t!

  10. I fail to pull out every time, but ever since the vasectomy, it still works great!

  11. Long time, but it was only ever as a secondary precaution since I have a vasectomy.

  12. I’m a woman but the men I’ve been with have always used that method over the last 19 years I’ve been having sex. When I tried for a baby I got pregnant the second month so there were no fertility issues.

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