what are some quick remedies for curing headaches?

  1. Paracetamol and water, lay down in a dark room if necessary. My dad showed me how to do an Indian head massage and that usually helps when I don’t want to take a tablet

  2. Excedrin for me. I always make sure I have some with me because once a headache strikes, I can’t deal or think of anything else. I think I read somewhere that Excedrin has caffeine which helps open blood vessels for quicker relief.

  3. Paracetamol, ibuprofen, water and/or small serving of caffeine. If possible, ice pack and a 20 minute time out – closed eyes, glasses off, no screen, fresh air and massage temples and back of neck.

  4. Depends on the headache.

    Regular tension headache? Ibuprofen and water.

    Bad tension headache? Ibuprofen, water, nap (or anything that helps me be deprived of stimulation from light and sound and less things touching me)

    Beginnings of a migraine? A coke, a water, two extra strength ibuprofen, two extra strength Tylenol, nap with no light, sound, and as few things to sense as possible.

  5. Alieve and water usually work for me. If you’re able to do so, taking a walk and moving your arms may also help.

  6. There are essential oil roller balls for migraines and headaches that you can buy on Amazon. They have really helped me, and not many things do.

  7. Besides the meds. Lie on your back in a nice warm bath with your head under the water, as long as possible (obviously your face sticking out) If you don’t have a bath a shower will do, let the water run over your head and neck.

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