22m relatively healthy workout, vape and drink on weekends. I can normally achieve a rock hard erection during kissing or even just cuddling sometimes before sex but after I penetrate I go down to about 70% hard and by the time I cum from sex I’m like 50% hard. I quit porn months ago but still
Masturbate without porn occasionally, I feel like this issue is from years of masturbation without lube. I started watching porn and jerking off at about 12 and would do it multiple times a day. Before I quit porn I could rarely cum from sex and couldn’t get it up in general as much. But I still have trouble staying hard in bed, although for whatever reason I can still cum without being fully hard. I also sometimes cum fast. I also can only cum from sex penis in vagina, I’ve never came from blowjob or hand job. Also have trouble keeping penis hard during blowjobs/handjobs. I don’t think it’s a physical issue because when I’m laying in bed making out and grinding with a girl my boner stays rock hard the whole time, I think it’s because grinding with them puts a similar tension on my dick as masturbating, and I’m also not worried about losing my boner till it’s out of my pants. I don’t get morning wood everyday but when I do it’s rock hard and stays awhile. I’m thinking my biggest issues are from the years of masturbation no lube and possibly some
Performance anxiety. Thoughts or advice ?

  1. Hey,

    First off, doesn’t sound like anythings wrong with your dick. If you think it’ll help any perceived anxiety, sure get checked out, but if you’re fine while masturbating you’re good to go.

    As for general thoughts, I think you know exactly what’s up:

    + Are you with multiple partners or one long term? It may be that you just need more of an emotional connection / you got performance anxiety since it’s the first few times with someone.

    + I definitely bet it’s how you’re masterbating. I am not against masterbating, but depending on how you do it, you may be giving yourself a version of deathgrip.

    + If you have readily willing partners, try just stop masturbating and see how it turns out.

    + If you’re going to masturbate, use lube and super light touch. Don’t go any faster than you would during sex.

    + Realize that erections can come and go during sex. It’s totally normal not to be at 100% the full time.

    + Think about how you’re masterbating and what sort of sensation you’re giving yourself during sex. Is it a lot of head action? You’re likely not able to get that exact same sensation during sex which is causing you issues. You may consider switching up your strokes slightly. For stance, don’t go so far in, at least not at first. Going further in is likely focusing the sensation on your shaft rather than the head.

    + I’d avoid edging

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