Hi, seemed like had high attraction for each other got into relationship in about a week.

we have been in relationship for 2 weeks total, she was talking about her firends birthday party

and that it was only 2 days apart from hers. I asked what she wanted for her birthday, and she said

she wanted a bag/purse. That didn’t feel right for me I said I can’t do that. She said she was dissapointed.

At that moment we got into a fight and she told me she was testing me and that I could have said it in a

nicer way. Followed by that she constantly said no gifts? no gifts? I said I would do it in the means of my

affordability. Anyway, on the day of her birthday she wanted to go to a pricy restaurant which I did, and

towards the evening we ended up going to Channel, Louis Vuiton, .. etc. She was taking a look and kept telling me

that i’m cute because i look scared by the fact that she might actually ask me to buy one. I went along with it

because I thought she was just playing and having fun. After speding 500 bucks for lunch and dinner by the end of her birthday

slept over at her house I had a wonderful time and she cooked me brunch the next day and seemed like she liked me for me

and understood things. My gurad for her was slowly coming down and felt touched. After the nice meal she wanted to go by the ocean view

and have some lunch, I agreed to take the subway and she told me that she would rather stay home if we were to go by subway.

I felt bad constantly, she lied down in bed like a dead fish binging on bunch of instagram feeds and it made me feel aweful.

I took an extra day off from work to be with her since it was her birthday but she seemed so down after telling her that I couldn’t get those gifts and that I don’t have a car.

I got sick and tired of her being so down and said that I would get her a bag and go out. As soon as I said that, she became

crazy happy, showered together and looked crazy excited. Anyway we went to those fancy places, took a look around and hungout.

Eventually told her hey lets grab something to eat and she got extremely angry. She told me she was gonna stay home but got up with full make-up

and got dressed becuase we were going for a purchase. She already told her friends that Im getting her a nice bag, called me a huge liar, and that

I played with her. I apologized several times and told her my intentions weren’t bad and that I was trying to make her feel better so we could go out

and have some fun. She started smoking cigarettes got crazy pissed off and said that the realtiship is over. I know that I messed up by

telling her things I can not do but is it that much of a fuckt to a point where she breaks up with me just like that?

  1. Jesus…

    This post sounds like it’s two 15 year olds in a High School relationship. Not two 30 something year olds.

    So, you are really heart broken by someone who acted like a 5 year old anytime you didn’t buy her something that she wanted?? And, after 2 weeks of dating???

    Spoiler Alert: you dodged a bullet and got off lucky.

  2. No, what you did is dodge a bullet.

    She was interested in one thing: your wallet.

  3. She did not break up with you over a bag.

    She broke up with you because of the way you treated her.

    The bag had NOTHING to do with it.

  4. I want gifts but never anything expensive and none of my exs brought me gifts in our relationship even tho I would buy them skincare or equipment they needed (they never asked for anything) I never took it personal that no guy brought me a gift … your girl seems intense over a bag it’s not that deep lol earn your own money and buy it girl … if she doesn’t apologize I would rethink the relationship

  5. She sucks and so do you.

    She is a user.

    You lied to her about getting her a bag.

    Next time don’t lie not sure how you expected her to react positively to that. You two are incompatible.

  6. Ok, a week?! I just dont understand. Why do ppl rush like this?

    >After speding 500 bucks for lunch and dinner by the end of her birthday

    My God?! Where did u go?! Ive never spent that much in my life on that.

    >hat she would rather stay home if we were to go by subway

    Sounds high maintenance

    >don’t have a car.

    U told her 2 weeks in u didnt have a car?!

    >got sick and tired of her being so down and said that I would get her a bag and go out

    Omg, she pouted like a little kid n u fell for it. Shes spoiled af. Dude, u dont want her. She was playing u. Definition of a gold digger.

  7. Wow 2 weeks and she’s already throwing tantrums over a pricey gift.

    In the 2.5 years I’ve been dating my bf I’ve never once asked him for a pricey gift. He’s looked at the handbags I like (it was Chloé which is like €450) but I told him no I didn’t want him to buy it for me, I’d prefer to buy it myself or I’d feel guilty if he did)

    It’s the tantrums that SEND ME

  8. How did you meet her? I feel like some clues might lie in the answer to this question.

    Are you 100% certain it was even her birthday? What if that’s a scam she runs on dudes?

    I think you deserve better.

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