What’s the best thing that has ever happened in your life?

  1. Hmm thats a good question, id say growing up with my two brothers. While we were fighting a lot for stupid shit we had so much fun. And you?

  2. Met a karate master on a trip to Japan and he offered to train me so I stayed, learned karate, married a hot Japanese girl, and bought an apartment in Tokyo.

  3. It would be easy to say, my wife, and just how much of a good person she is and such a positive net gain on my entire life. But if I really break it down to the brass tacks, there is absolutely no doubt the best thing to happen to me is to be born of two amazing parents who raised me in absolute love and kindness. Without their influence, nothing else in my life would’ve likely happened.

  4. Having children. I had my first at 18 and second at 19 right when I was about ti turn 20. It really pushed me ti mature, develop a string work ethic, get adversity, but most importantly they gave me the most love and happiness imaginable.

  5. One time, I locked my keys in my car and then AAA happened to drive by while I was messing with it and popped it open for free. It was super hot out too.

    That was pretty good.

  6. Getting the guardianship paperwork for my sister. I knew as was long as we could stay together it was going to be okay.

  7. My stepson always knew I was not his biological father. However, at age 6, he actually asked if I could be his dad. He knew what he was saying. Now, he is 30, I’m still dad.

  8. I was lucky enough to be born into the most caring, understanding family I could ever wish for.

  9. This job that I recently took.

    It has the capacity to be the best thing that’s happened to me. But it all depends on how well I do.

    I recently took a trip in an ambulance to the ER in January and In was uninsured. Had to get x-rays, CTs, MRI and physical therapy on top of new medications.

    This job could cover all these costs if I can make it work. So I am really working hard to make it work.

  10. i had 1 euro but the soda costed 1.1 euros and the cashier lady still gave me the soda

  11. I did a semester of grad school, after which a classmate hired me for double what I had been making. It was an incredibly rewarding job and a foot in the door to an incredibly rewarding industry. I’ve since changed jobs but my work life is still very fulfilling and although I’m not exactly rolling in money, I make a comfortable salary.

  12. I was born to a strong, intelligent, and caring mother. Every time I’m tempted to do something I like to think about how my mom would feel if she knew what I was up to. It’s helped me become a man of integrity and honor. I love my dad too, but my dad was kind of a scumbag for most of my childhood. It’s easy to not disappoint him. But it’s hard to not disappoint my mother, because she holds such high standards for herself. Seeing the type of woman my mom is inspires me to be the best man that I can be. She’s not perfect, but she never stops trying to be better.

    So I think being born as her son is the best thing that ever happened to me.

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