I desperately need some advice. My husband (36) and I(38) started to date in 2015. We got married in 2017 and decided to have a baby in the next year. Didn’t go so well, as i had my first miscarriage in 2018 and two more in the next year. In 2020 we started an IVF program, after another miscarriage we finally got our baby girl in 2022.
Meanwhile we renovated his and his ex’s house to be able to sell and bought another one, this time together. This was supposed to be our forever home. It’s a very old house, and as beautiful it is needs a lot of fixing. But we managed to make it livable and moved in it a bit before pandemic started.
It seems like we just got everything we wished for and now we can start our actual family life. However a few weeks after our baby turned 1, my husband just decided to tell me that he wanna get a divorce. We didn’t had a fight, nothing special happened. He just set on the couch and told me that. As a reason he told me, that he wanna be in love again. And he isn’t with me anymore. He said he decided this a while ago but he wanted to wait until our kid turns 1 years old…for some reason.
I mean, i don’t blame him, it was an extremely stressful 5 years behind us, and we didn’t have time or energy to spend quality time together in these years. I also had a pretty bad depression during the miscarriage times. Our sex life is non existent since IVF as well. He told me just to try to make a baby was too much pressure to him and he just doesn’t want to have sex. I tried to be understanding and didn’t push it. And then he moved to another room. He said he needs to sleep and he can’t because the baby is crying during the night. I tried to be understanding this as well, thinking I’m home with the baby, i can sleep during day time if i really need to, he can have his good night sleep in another room. So I didn’t push this either.
Now he is…he isn’t moved away, neither insist i do. He isn’t even talking about how we share things after the divorce or the divorce itself. He just very very cold with me. He isn’t looking at me, but i see he is looking what I’m during literally from the side of his eyes. I tried to talk to him, that what will happen now, but he doesn’t have an answer. He said i should give him time to figure out if he wanna give a try to our marriage once more or not. He doesn’t know how long, or how he will know. And he is that kind of guy who keeps a grudge for years. He didn’t talk to his own mother since 3 years because of something they didn’t agree on.
I don’t know what to do now? How to move forward? I myself don’t wanna have a divorce, sure our marriage isn’t so passionate and fun like in the very beginning, but we didn’t have fights, we weren’t hostile. And most of all we finally got the family i thought we both wanted so much. This should be where the good part begins.
Should I just leave him for months to think about it if he wanna fix this? It really didn’t work out well anytime i respected his wishes for more space. Should I make some move? If so what? Talking isn’t working. He is getting very nervous. I talked to him as much as i could i feel like it’s just making things worse. I wrote him a letter. He kept it. Don’t know if he is rereading it every now and then. And we’re communicating pretty good via text.
Tl,Dr: my husband wanna leave me and our baby because he wanna be in love again in the future. He asked time to think if he wanna give another shot to our marriage or not. The waiting is killing me, don’t know what should I do next?

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