I need advice. Can someone tell me if my friend is avoiding me? We are supposed to meet tonight for me to catch up with him on my ministry updates. He canceled with my meetup with him today last minute. Here is the interaction in chat

Him: Hi [My name], sorry today im suffering from severe back pain. I cant meet with you tonight

Me: Its ok! Can we reschedule it on next week thursday evening instead?

Him: Tentative yeah but I need to get the exams done because they are not sure what the problem is. find it difficult to walk. will update u soonest

Me: Sure, get well soon

Any thoughts or opinions on this?

1 comment
  1. We never know what is going on in somebody else head. But this doesn’t seem like he is avoiding you.

    As it seems, it is the first time that is happening, so you don’t need to worry about it.

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