When do the ocean water temperatures reach their warmest levels in California?

  1. They don’t get particularly cold, nor do the waters get particularly warm.

    Ranges about 52 to 70 degrees. Warmest in the south in August.

  2. The Google says San Diego water temps peak in late August, but that’s still only ~68 degrees.

  3. California has over 800 miles of coastline stretching 8 degrees of latitude. It’s going to vary.

  4. Do you not know how seasons works? July and August, just like everywhere else in the northern hemisphere.

  5. SoCal is your best bet. But I’ve been to LA beaches in the heat of August and that water is still frigid like water from springs. Unfortunately, the killer sunburn I got on my back and shoulders was only able to keep me overly warm the rest of the trip.

  6. If you’re looking for temperatures like the Gulf or Atlantic coasts in the summer, you’ll never get it. It’s because of the currents.

    Gulf and Atlantic water arrives from the tropics, but the water off California comes from the north, by Alaska. So it’s cold year round.

    It’s also why rain in California is always cold.

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