I’ve been through a lot in my short life so far. I was roofied at a young age, and have also experienced emotional abuse. I’ve gotten therapy for it, but I know I will battle it to some degree for the rest of my life.

I recently had this guy come into my life under the most unusual of circumstances, and I unloaded on him about all I’d been through, well before it was time to do so. I realized the mistake I made & let him know how embarrassed I was & understood if he didn’t want to continue to talk.

Nope. He has stuck by me through every bit of it, even when I’ve doubted myself, and even when I felt like I was being too much.

But the biggest surprise I got was when he let me know that he’d like to come visit me in the future.

I’ve started to realize in my broken state that if he knows all my faults & still wants me around, he must really like me.

I’ve never had someone make this type of effort & I am just hoping I don’t fuck it up.

1 comment
  1. I’ve been in the support role before. I wasn’t interested in a romantic or similar relationship with her in this instance (friend), I am just inclined to want to help people.

    It isn’t always easy but it can be nice sometimes to be a shoulder to cry on (incl. figuratively). To show care and compassion. To hold them and let them know it’s OK.

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