Met a girl a month ago, really fit my type and chill. She was an extrovert being so kinda nice/friendly to everyone. She was a kinda busy person too (btw she broke up with her bf like 6 months ago.) I hit her with chats and her responses are kinda slow? like she replies usually in 1-3 hours. She does chat with
“Friendly typing” for example “HAHAHAAHAHAHA” IKRRR” “YEAAA I”VE EATEN THAT BEFORE!!”. and rarely reply with short/closed answer tho. Since she knows many people, she usually told me a story for ex: You know this dude? he used to being flirty with me LOL, etc. I Asked her to a concert and she said yes!! I asked if she okay if i pick her up and at first she was rejecting it nicely like “eyyo i think i can order an uber or something, i dont want to bother you blabla.” And then i said “Chill, fine for me, u sure u dont want me to pick you up? im free and aint mind at all” She said alright and i picked her up . At the concert She was standing beside me all the time, she did brought her friends but she was okay with standing beside me all the time???. Later i found out my friend getting sus about me actin weird around her so he decided to ask her somethin like this “Yo do you know is xxx trying to hit you?” She answered “Nope!, he isn’t my type anyway” keep in mind that the convo was done before the concert. Next i tried asking her if she wanted to watch a sport match with me. She said yes and we continue watching the sport together. I asked her to eat Ice cream with me after school, she said yes. We spent like 3-5 hours outside while eating ice cream talking about idk things??? She talked about her family(even showed her photos when she was a kid and her father pic too), her school stuff, works, etc etc. She remembered my plate number too(me myself don’t even remember lol) Next up tried asking her if she wanted to watch a movie. Again, she said yes and we watched the movie together. She rarely use her phone and the convo keeps going. On the way driving her home, I was hungry and i said “I got kinda hungry after watching the movie, i might look for a open food court or something after getting you home safely” She replied with “I mean if u want, i can tag you along before going to my home. I dont mind accompanying you eating” keep in mind it was 11 PM…. Is it a sign if she actually intrested in me romantically, not only as a good friend??? she had a bad break up with her ex tho, she said like “all boys are the same, i dont like anyone after i break up with him blabalbalbla” Really got me confused here. Really need an advice or something from you guys. Thanks for reading my story!! 🙂

  1. proceed with caution, don’t get too excited. I get the feeling you might have a shot. but it does not sound like she’s actively looking to date

  2. None of those are sings of romantic interest but it seems you get along well and have fun together. Don’t overthink and just have fun OP.

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