I had sex with a girl I dated for a couple of months recently. She asked me to cum inside her and that she wouldn’t get pregnant. She also told me she had an IUD. I told her I wasn’t comfortable with that and wanted a condom. Later on, while we were spooning, she could feel that I was aroused, grabbed my unprotected penis and put it in her vagina. It ended up happening and for days I was terrified. She later apologized to me via text and acknowledged she instigated everything. I took screenshots of them if she turned out pregnant or tried to claim I sexually assaulted her. It should be noted that she does have some severe emotional problems and suffers from depression. I had relation with her one time after this and while she didn’t do it again, I feel once is unacceptable. Did I overreact?

  1. Absolutely not. You’re in the right. I don’t know if this is sexual assault, but it certainly isn’t right. Please cut her off your life for your safety

  2. No you did not overreact as the potential downside is immense! You said she had “emotional problems, very dangerous situation! Please protect yourself!

  3. If you were uncomfortable why did you do it? She just put the tip in? Pull it out. This seems an extreme overreaction to me.

  4. Swap the roles and it’s rape/sexual assault.

    Feelings are valid, and she side stepped them. Zz

  5. If she turns out to be pregnant, you still up for child-support, because (the reasoning is) that is best for the child.

  6. This is assault. Imagine you being a woman and a man just took of the condom without telling you, or just inserting himself without a condom. That’s assault, so what happened to you is as well. I’m sorry OP, it never should’ve happened. I would never be able to trust someone after this.

  7. No you didn’t overreact but having sex again with, despite the red flags, was pretty dumb bro

  8. You’re right; once is unacceptable.
    You did not overreact. This behavior is not okay.

    Only you can determine if you should “never see that girl again”. Maybe she is genuinely ‘sorry’, but I feel like this situation will be hanging over your heads for a while, if not the entire relationship.

  9. Life hack from an old man: If you mess around with people who have severe emotional problems, you will eventually regret it for one reason or another.

  10. She absolutely raped you. You had clear boundaries and she disregarded them. You said no, she ignored it. Get away from her. Her mental health is no excuse here. She took advantage of an opportunity to get the raw sex she wanted when you clearly didn’t want to without your own protection. Please go find someone that actually respects you. Do not have sex with this girl again.

  11. If she was using an iud you would have been able to feel the strings……

    I think it’s dodgy as hell insisting on no condoms. I prefer no condoms with regular partners myself but if a guy prefers them ill go with that

  12. You said it ended up happening, what do you mean by that? Obviously you told her you didn’t want to have sex without a condom and therefore she shouldn’t have done what she did. I’m not denying that at all. But if you then continued to have sex with her and cum inside her, unprotected…she violated your boundaries, that’s not up for discussion. But you also bear some responsibility if you went along with it.

  13. You didn’t overreact AT ALL! She has serious issues. Get away from her as fast as you can. Don’t talk to her, don’t text her. Nothing.

  14. >I wasn’t comfortable with that and wanted a condom


    No you did not overreact.

  15. It is also an amazing feeling to feel the cum inside. If the only thing you’re worried about is pregnancy, condoms are less secure than a coil.

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