I’m 20F and I met my most recent ex through dating apps. At the time I was super overwhelmed by all the guys and kinda frantic and ended up bailing on people for weird reasons and just feeling super stressed the whole time. He fit everything I wanted though, and was so gorgeous and I thought it was a perfect match. Well, he sucked as it turns out. Like he’s a fine person I guess but we are just not compatible in terms of our lifestyles/what we want from a relationship. Also it just unfolded badly.

Anyway, we broke up as a result and I originally was hoping to meet someone irl but determined that that’s not super easy, especially finding someone compatible. A guy did ask me out the day after the breakup lol (friend of a friend) but I didn’t feel like we were compatible and he only texted me once a day (a lot of texts but still) and I was still trying to get over my ex so I canceled on him (in a mature kind way).

Yesterday I was feeling lonely and after a couple irl crushes didn’t seem like viable relationship options, I decided to try out Hinge just in case I might meet like one guy on there who seemed kinda cool. Ideally from my university. I got a decent amount of matches for a Monday, although during the afternoon it made me more stressed because my options didn’t seem good.

However, I ended up meeting two guys who go to my university and seem really cool. One of them isn’t very attractive which sucks and slightly off puts me, but at the same time I feel like I could find him attractive if he was nice and loving to me. And I’m hesitant to be too picky on looks since my ex sucked so much. Additionally he’s not like completely hideous- just slightly below average/my usual threshold. But he seems really lovely and seemed super excited about me which I liked a lot because I want someone who is obsessed with me and falls madly in love with me like my second ex. He also has really cool interests and is already really accomplished and seems nerdy like me. And I really really liked how eager he was. Moreover, he seems like a really friendly sweet guy. We have a date planned and he might also look better in person so I shall see. I’m really excited about him still.

My problem is that then I met another guy who I’d met back in the fall who was also nerdy and fairly enthusiastic. He’s cuter too, but his interests aren’t as similar to mine. We also planned a date. I just hate the fact that there’s two guys. I wish I could’ve only met one. I know I haven’t gone on the dates yet and maybe they won’t work out for whatever reason but I really prefer having just one person I’m interested in. DAE feel like this? Also I have this anxiety that maybe there’s someone better out there for me and like maybe I should be trying to find someone cuter than the first one or something. Idk it is just bothering me. Additionally there are a few more guys still wanting to talk to me on the app. Sigh.

DAE get overwhelmed like this? Also does anyone have advice on the appearance mismatch? I feel like I’ll be judged for dating someone I’m more attractive than/I should be trying to do better and find someone at least average. But he’s only slightly below average and could’ve just had bad pictures and I like him a lot as a person and I really like his interests and how accomplished he is. Also how enthusiastic and friendly he seems to be. Is it dumb of me to want to date someone less attractive than me? I guess I’ll just see how the dates go but I could use some advice.

  1. >Is it dumb of me to want to date someone less attractive than me?

    what kind of question is this?

    You don’t need to put yourself on some kind of subjective scale. Stop worrying about what others think. If you find them attractive and they find you attractive then all is good.

  2. Seems you’re stuck on surface level things like looks and common interests, which are nice but are not things that matter for healthy relationships. What made that “perfect guy” suck for you? Lol

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