When did you see your partner cry for the first time?

  1. When my now-husband were five years into dating, his grandfather passed away. That was the first time I saw him cried.

  2. About 2 or 3 months into our relationship. His mom died a few years prior to us dating, and he cried while telling me about her. This was right after I opened up to him about my emotionally abusive bio dad, so it was a really sweet, vulnerable moment for both of us. He’s cried around me several times since then, and I love that he feels comfortable being so vulnerable in front of me

  3. Bless his precious heart. This is going to sound cheesy, but about 2 months into my relationship with my now husband (while completely wasted) he told me he loved me. He didn’t remember the next morning and I didn’t remind him. Two weeks later was Halloween and while downtown with friends, dressed as a cat and him dressed as a hockey player, standing right by the band I told him that I loved him. The smile on his face was ridiculous and that night we were just laying and talking together and I told him again before we fell asleep and he started crying. It was the most precious moment and a moment I’d relive every day if I could.

    Edit: Come to think of it, I don’t know if I’ve ever told him that he is actually the one that said I love you first. Think it’ll be a little secret I’ll take to my grave.

  4. When we broke up (we un-broke 3 months after and have been together 13 years now).

  5. The first time was back when me and her were just friends. She’s a self proclaimed crybaby so it’s not uncommon to see her cry. The first time, she was telling me about how tough it was to deal with her situationship she was in before me.

  6. When we were friends, before we started dating, I think. Oh gosh, we cry so often and easily that I haven’t remembered it as something to file away.

  7. When he and his dad refused to stop eating a very spicy tuna dish at the local sushi joint while his mom and I laughed ourselves to tears watching.

  8. We had a very big argument over something. Basically, we were both misinterpreting the other’s reaction to a situation. I was feeling really insecure and he started crying because it broke his heart that he was making me feel that way.

  9. On our 3rd date he was telling me about his son (who was 18 months at that point) and how difficult it was not having him full time

  10. when I gave him a sentimental book of our favorite memories and how much I truly love him

  11. He’s the type to get misty, he’s very sentimental.

    But full on crying was when his grandma died.

  12. Probably at a movie shortly after we started dating. Couldn’t tell you which one or when. We both tear up at some movies.

  13. He cried when my grandma passed away. He lived with my family and I for about a year before she passed so they had a good relationship. It touched my heart because my grandma was a treasure to me.

  14. It was about a month into the relationship. He took me to the ER and it looked like I was dying(severe heat exhaustion, bordering on heat stroke). It was really sweet, I didn’t know at the time how much he cared about me. Relationship was new but have been good friends for years

  15. We weren’t yet dating at the time and wouldn’t be official for another 6 months. But it was 2020, maybe a month and a half into COVID, and he was saying goodbye at my apartment before driving across the country back to California from our university. We hardly spoke a word and just held each other, crying in my empty apartment that we had to be split up and had no idea when or if we’d ever see each other again.

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