I was casually dating a girl for a few months. We went out, talked every night etc. It was a fun time, really liked her and was gonna ask her if we could get closer and move things along. Then I got ghosted about 2 weeks ago, and today she has chosen to date a guy who kills rats for a living and lines up their dead bodies for facebook photos! Gotta love those sexy serial-killer vibes! I know I should block her on everything, but I’m too damn nice (foolishly so) to do it. But I’m mashing the no-contact button and have otherwise hid all her content from my social media feeds. Won’t even be able to see if she DMs me, for the sake of my own mental health.

Just a quick vent, thanks for listening 🙂

1 comment
  1. You’re too nice to have self respect and ensure you will never be in contact with her again? Am I getting that right? Sounds like you’re too vain and are inviting pain into your life for no reason. Seems stupid to me.

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