Or houses you have lived in?
My current home was built in 1929. I found a newspaper article saying “From Slums to Sunshine”. Its also named after having a beautiful view (though we use the number), however that view is of more houses and roads nowadays.

  1. Similar to yours, early 30s. We also have an unused name, related to the woodland that used to be on the site prior to development. Which seems a bit sad!

  2. The oldest house I ever lived in was from the 15th century. The one I live in now is from 1910.

  3. My apartment building was finished in 2021. I bought the apartment before they even laid down foundations. Oldest one I ever lived was commie block from 80s.

  4. In descending order of when I lived in them.. 2018, 2008 (ironically the dampest and worst built), 1840’s, 1820’s, 1960’s, 1890’s, 1900, 1780’s, 1890, 1890, 1820, 1790, 1890, 1870.. I’ve lived it lots more places but it would take all day these are the places I lived for more than a few weeks/months my granny’s farm was 16th century and the house my Mum lived in before I was born was 15th century but I didn’t live in those houses. All Scotland/Ireland.

  5. The oldest house I ever lived in was built in the 1850’s. My house now is about 30 years old.

  6. first i lived in a house built in the 1970s, then the 1990s and now in a house from the 1950s

  7. We had our house built in 2000. I’ve never lived as a family in a house here in Denmark that was more than 10 years old when I moved in. During my childhood I lived in a couple of houses that were already 30-40 years old at the time. The houses my husband and I have recently looked at are well over 120 years old, but they’ve been renovated in the 90s, 00s or 2010s, so they look just like any new house you can buy in a classic style.

  8. The house i grew up in was from the 30’s , my appartement was build in the 80’s

  9. I live in an apartment,in the city.

    The block was built in the 20s, it’s almost 100 years old now.

    Solid construction with very high ceilings! Plenty of space and plenty of light too…

  10. 1972. It has been rennovated in 2021 so doesn’t really have the 70s style anymore.

  11. Mine was built in 1956. The oldest flat I lived in was in a building that was built in the 1870’s or 1880’s.

  12. The house I currently live in was built in the 60s, the house I grew up in and still consider as my family home even though I am in the process of selling it was built by my great-great-grandparents or so in 1889

  13. I live in a flat, the building is from 2014. Before that I lived in a flat in a building from 1896 and a flat in a building from the early 1980s in the same city and all the buildings were typical representatives of the period they were build in. So far I’d they were better at floor plans in the 1980s and ceiling heights and pretty staircases in 1896, but I prefer the energy bill in my current flat!

  14. My parents built their house in 1993-1994, so about to be 30 years old. Although I recently moved out, the apartment I live in today was finished in 2021. I just had a 2 year inspection, so the landlord could evaluate their entrepreneur that built it. To see if it held up to their standards.

  15. My block of flats was built in the 50s. The one I lived in before was built in the 80s.

  16. 1989. (Helsinki).

    The oldest I lived in was built sometime in the 1600s. (Utrecht, NL).

  17. My house is from 1978, it probably will be demolished and rebuilt in the next 2 years. It will be demolished because of earthquake damage.

  18. I switched homes like 6 or 7 times. Once when I was too young to remember for a short duration as my parents left for work and took me with them (I mean, I was 2 so, yeah). Probably commie block built in the 80s. Then moved back in the first home. Probably built in 1930’s or 1950’s.

    Then moved in the house I spent most of my life in (until 22yo then and during pandemic). Probably built in the 1920s-1930s if not older. Edit: fun fact, half of the house was damaged when an unexploded bomb fell on it during American bombings in WW2. Then I’ve changed a few student dorms, built in the 80’s and 2010s

  19. Romania, I live in a building built in the early 30s modernist design, cool design elements inside but it is quite run down.

  20. I live in Vienna in a house built in 1839. Its quite nice and the rooms are super high, but winter sucks because the windows are that old too.

  21. Not sure, but the oldest document of the house is from the 18th century, when there were some changes to how properties were managed, in one of the reforms made by Maria Theresia, so around 1770s.

    It’s only the ground level floor tho, outer walls made with stone, somewhere the wall is almost a meter thick. The house has been renovated many times, with the upper floor built in the 1970s.

    It’s in the countryside in a small village.

  22. Current one is fairly new, probably from the 60s or 70s. Previous one it was 19th century, but my town is quite old (first documented mention as village was from 1087, but it was converted into a city in 1726), so you can easily find several 16th to 17th buildings still in habitable. Also we have a couple of fortresses of late 14th century, now refurbished as museums.

  23. My current apartment is from the mid-1990s.

    The house I grew up in was from the mid-1930s.

  24. Current house is 1830’s mill workers house. Last place was 1900s terrace. A range of 1960s -70s houses before that.

  25. 1907… honestly both looks and feels like it was the only building in my whole district to survive the Battle of Berlin.

  26. It was built in 1886. It is a property that my great-great-great grandparents bought in the 1920’s, back when it was a basically a farm. I grew up here, and used to think it was haunted. It probably is.

  27. The oldest house I ever lived in was from the 1880s. That was a small apartment in old workers housing. It was completely renovated in 2014.

    My current house was built in 2011.

  28. The townhouse in it’s current form (made of stone) is from 1734. The houses that stood there before had burned down twice in the big fires throughout the middle ages.

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