(Sorry if I don’t write good my English is not that good) Long story short; my bf (26) m and I (22)f have been together for three years and we always had an amazing sex life, 2-4 times a day if we could and it’s amazing for the both of us. But recently l’ve been feeling like we just do it to get it over with because he always wants to do it when we’re in public for example in the car, in a public bathroom etc. and it’s been a long time since we’ve made “love” like In a bedroom. So recently I’ve been saying no when he asks because I iust don’t want to do it in public anymore and I’ve told him I don’t want to do it in public areas anymore and his response to this is getting mad and saying “but it never bothered you before” and “ you don’t enjoy our sex that’s why you never want to have sex with me anymore” and goes on saying “I just won’t ask vou to have sec with me anvmore since I’m so terrible” and starts this whole argument how I don’t love him anymore and how I’ve changed etc. idk what to do anymore because this is a constant thing now. I just need some advice how to go about this.

**tl;dr**: my bf get mad at me everytime I don’t want to have sex

  1. Personally, when someone starts treating you like trash, which you describe him doing, I think it’s time to dump him. He’s not even trying to make the relationship work. He’s just trying to push you into giving him what he wants.

  2. Tell your boyfriend that you won’t be manipulated into doing things you’re not comfortable with, sexually or otherwise. Strongly consider breaking up, because his behavior is mean and childish.

  3. He is showing you that he doesn’t respect you. If he did, he would respect your wanting to move sex back into the bedroom, and out of the public locations.

  4. This is a form of manipulation. Have a direct conversation with him, if you haven’t already. This type of behavior on his part is not okay.

  5. You changed! Good for you. He doesn’t like the new you, too bad. You are 100% entitled to say no. IMO, you should find a better partner.

  6. “Are you breaking up with me because I don’t want to have sex in public anymore?”

  7. Better communication will solve this sexy puzzle you 2 have created. Talk it out and fix your problems.

  8. He’s manipulating you. He’s making it very unpleasant to tell him no so that you have little choice but to tell him yes. You two could get in big trouble. Do you want to have an arrest for indecency on your criminal record when you apply for a job?

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