Not sure if this is the correct route to take but, it’s where I’m at. My gf and I started learning French together a few months ago. Learning a second language has always been a life goal for me and I was super excited to have someone to do that with. It has become apparent that I am (obviously) wayyy more into it than she is. This is fine, it’s to be expected since it’s my desire, but now whenever we go to do a lesson, she gets all huffy and makes it known through words and body language that she doesn’t want to do it. I am big on consistency so this doesn’t help but I try to push through. Something like this also requires a lot of personal dedication, so I paid for one of those flashcards apps. I’ll ask her if she reviewed some of the cards (takes a min or two at max) and she will get irritated saying “when did I have time for that huh?”

I now have stopped the lessons and she hasn’t brought it up either. I really want to continue but I am not sure if I want her along for the ride since she sort of drags me down. Any advice? Thanks.

  1. Makes sense. You don’t need advice.

    Expect maybe being cautious that she’s not more of a problem holding you back. Reflect on it as you move forward.

  2. Just be frank with her! “I want to continue my French lessons and you don’t seem to be into it, so how about if I go alone?”

    Of course if the instructor is a curvaceous young woman named FiFi, she might not want you to go alone.

  3. All you have to do is tell her that you will be continuing your French lessons. You will be studying, too. She can read a book, go for a walk, get coffee with a friend. Anything. The huffing and puffing is immature. Both of you need to communicate.

  4. Yeah just be honest and tell her that you want to continue and she seems to not want to continue. That’s fine but you aren’t stopping.

    You don’t have to have the same hobbies/interests.

  5. Sign up for yourself. If she wants to participate- let her do at her speed. Do yours separately.

  6. Having separate hobbies is actually very healthy. She’s obviously not into learning French, but that should not affect your ability to do so. Maybe she’d like German better?

  7. Tell her straight out those are your hobbies. Don’t stop doing things with her, tell her you need your hobbies for you.

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